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"Hyung?" Jungkook poked his head into Jin and Yoongi's bedroom, where Jin was sitting alone on his bed, playing with Odengie and Eomuk.
"What is it Jungkook?" Jin looked up from his two small pets, looking towards the young boy.
"Can I talk to you?" Jungkook was still standing at the foot of the door, hiding half way behind it as he spoke to the ground.
"Of course, let me put these two guys away. Sit down on my bed." Jin instructed as he stood and took the two tiny creatures to their cage. Jungkook shut the bedroom door behind him, revealing the black backpack he was carrying. He held the bag to his chest as he made his way to Jin's bed, plopping down and waiting for the older man to come back. "What's on your mind Jungkook-ah?" Jin came back to the bed, sitting down beside the younger boy and looking at him expectantly.
"You said I can come and talk to you about anything right?"
"Yes Jungkook, whatever it is, you can tell me about it." Jin was now growing worried as Jungkook continued to fiddle with the strap on his bag.
"You promise not to hate me?"
"Jeon Jungkook, I could never hate you. Now please tell me what is wrong."
The boy opened his bookbag and pulled out an average sized bunny plushie.

"The boy opened his bookbag and pulled out an average sized bunny plushie

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"Where'd you get that?"
"I bought it online. I like little kid stuff...and being a little kid..." Jungkook trailed off, biting his lower lip as he attempted to tell Jin he was a Little.
"You are a kid Jungkook, you're our golden maknae, remember?" Jin grinned, not quite catching what was being said.
"Well, not like how you guys are older than me or how you're always saying I'm still a kid. I like BEING a little kid. Playing with toys, coloring, acting like a little kid. It's actually a whole thing, it's called being a Little." Jungkook was trying his best to explain.
"So like pretending to be, what, a small child?"
"Yeah, kind of." Jungkook took out his phone and opened it to the page he had that explained littles and caregivers. "This tells all about it."
Jin took the phone from the boy, reading over the article all the way through. It only took him a few minutes to read the whole thing before handing it back to Jungkook, "And you're like the article says? A little?"
"How long?"
"A few months after debut was the first time I went into little space."
"Jungkook, why haven't you said anything before now?"
"I was scared what everyone would think."
"How little are you?" Jin asked, genuinely curious about this.
"About three or four years old."
"Did you want a caregiver?"
Jungkook's face turned a soft shade of pink at the last question he was asked. "I don't know. I never thought 'bout it." Jungkook lied, he had thought about it alot. He was always alone when he was a little, having to take care of himself, occupy his time alone with no one to help.
Jin cocked his head to the side, he always knew when the boy was lying. He took the plushie from Jungkook's hands and turned it around in his hands.
"B-bunny!" Jungkook stuttered, his hands going to reach for the plushie before pulling back, keeping his hands in his lap in embarrassment.
Jin's eyebrow quirked with curiosity, noticing how Jungkook's behavior had changed when the stuffie was taken from him. He was intrigued by this "Little" Jungkook, and he felt honored that the boy came to him to confide this information with him. "Is Bunny your friend?"
Jungkook made a soft whine in the back of his throat, surprising Jin, who had never heard the noise from the boy before. "B-bunny takes care of K-kookie." Jungkook had slipped into little space, having opened himself up to Jin made him vulnerable and when his bunny was taken from him he couldn't help the snap in his head that made him slip.
Jungkook nodded, pointing to himself to indicate he was Kookie. "W-wan' Bunny back." Jungkook leaned forward on his hands, using his right one to make a grabby motion at the stuffed toy in Jin's hands.
"How do you ask for something?" Jin was easily falling into a headspace of his own, he was always the oldest of the group, deemed "Eomma Jin" by their fans and the rest of BTS. But this Little Jungkook, with soft eyes and pouty lips, sparked something else in him. Something far more maternal than even his usual motherly self.
"Pwease?" Jungkook's eyes looked up to the older man, his eyes wide and shining as he used what his favorite cartoons called the "magic word". Jin smiled, handing the bunny to Jungkook, who took it and pulled it close to his chest, rubbing its head softly. "Bunny."
"Good boy Kookie. That's how you ask for something nicely."
"Kookie's good boy?" He asked his bunny in a loud whisper, blushing at the praise.
"Yes he is," Jin moved closer to Jungkook, running a hand through his locks, which made the boy giggle happily. "Does Kookie want a caregiver like in the article?"
After a small sound of what seemed to be sadness left Jungkook's lips he nodded, getting teary eyed. "Kookie only has Bunny to take care of him. But Bunny can't read Kookie stowies, or feed him dino-nuggets, or-or, tuck him in for naps."
Jin felt his heart break at the sight of the tears that filled the Little's eyes, he seemed so sweet and innocent. He tugged at Jungkook's hair gently, making the boy look up at him again with those same orb-like eyes. "Does Kookie want Jin to be his caregiver?"
Jin smiled and nodded, "Really, I'd love to take care of Kookie. He's so cute."
Jin nearly died at the sight of Jungkook burying his reddened face into his Bunny when he was called Cute. "C-can Jin be Kookie's Eomma? F-fans call Jin Eomma lots."
"I'd love to be Kookie's Eomma."
Jungkook grinned from ear to ear now and handed Bunny back to Jin, "You hold Bunny." He commanded, grabbing his backpack again and grabbing out a coloring book filled with animals. "K-kookie color E-el-phant. Eomma wanna see?"
"Yes I do," Jin was grinning too, he couldn't get over how adorable Jungkook was as a little, when Jungkook was big again he'd have to ask if he could tell his boyfriend, Namjoon about it, wanting to share the cute overload that was Kookie.


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