No biting

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Yoongi had been acting a lot more brattily during littlespace the last month and a half. And when they were on their summer trip in Saipan, he had been extra bratty while out shopping with Namjoon. "Joonie i want ice cream!"
"We are meeting back with the others soon for dinner, you don't need any ice cream right now."
"But I'm hot!"
"Then I'll buy you some water or juice. Not sweets."
"Joonie is mean!" Yoongi stamped his foot, balled up his fists, and went to walked ahead of the man in frustration.
"Little boy," Namjoon started to scold the little, taking ahold of his arm to bring him back. That was until yoongi's head turned and he bit namjoon's hand, "I want ice cream!" Is what he said in response to his attack.
"Min yoongi, you are in big trouble young man!" Namjoon scolded after he composed himself from the bite.
"Ow!" Yoongi yelped when Namjoon popped his thigh harshly.
"I'm not going to spank you for this. I'm taking you back to the house and you'll sit quietly on the sofa until we go to the restaurant where the others will be, and I'm calling your daddy right now to let him know what you've been up to."
Yoongi's face changed as Namjoon chided him, going from huffy and pouty, to big eyes and a frightened look on his face. "Joonie no! I'm sowwy! Daddy gon' be mad!"
"I'm not happy either, you've been very bad. And now biting? I don't know what has gotten into you, but you need to start being a good boy again."
"I will!" He was crying as Namjoon marched them back to the house.
"When we get back I want you on that couch, got it young man?"
"I'm sowwy! Don't be mad!"
"I'm not mad, but I'm very upset that you're acting this bratty. What is up with you?" Yoongi didn't respond, but followed beside Namjoon, whining quietly.  When they got back to the house, Namjoon pointed to the sofa, "go on."
Yoongi turned to Namjoon, pouting and looking at the floor. "I'm a'fwaid."
"Of what?"
"Big yooni got a'wad show and got' make 'peech. And now daddy gon' be mad and-and 'pank me and-"
Namjoon brought yoongi into a hug as the little started to cry, "you need to start talking to us when you're upset about something, little or big. We can't help you if we don't know."
"S-still gonna tell daddy?"
"Yes. You know biting is bad, and you know to talk with us when you're upset by something. So go sit down like I said." Yoongi trudged himself to the couch where he plopped down and looked at his hands sullenly. "Good boy." Namjoon went to the kitchen to call Jhope and tell him what happened.
"Are you serious?! He hasn't bitten anyone since he bit Jungkook six months ago!"
"I know. He's been extra bratty all day and when I wouldn't buy him ice cream he just lost it and bit my hand."
"He is in for one major spanking that's all I know."
"I don't doubt it."
"Make sure he stays on that sofa until you leave to meet us."
"That was the plan. Okay Hyung, I'll see you in about 90 minutes."
Namjoon hung up the phone and went back into the living room area, "here you are."
Namjoon has handed yoongi a sippy cup of juice and his stuffed kumamon. "But-"
"You said you were thirsty, and kumamon makes you feel better."
"Fank you." He mumbled softly and started to drink his sippy cup. After 30 minutes, yoongi had already finished his drink and was getting fidgety. "I'm bo'd joonie. I wanna go outside."
"We will go outside when we leave to walk to the restaurant." 
Yoongi's head dropped as he fidgeted with his plushie. "Wanna pway," he started to talk to his plushie, telling it how bored he was and that he wanted to go and play again.
Yoongi sat at the sofa for the whole time , only getting up once when he told Namjoon he had to pee, and getting three warning spanks when he started to crawl and roll over the couch to push his boundaries.
At the restaurant yoongi went to give Jhope a hug, but Jhope held him st arm's length to look him in the eye, "I'm very upset with what I've heard today."
"I'm sowwy daddy."
"I know you are. You've been a very bad boy today."
"I had to sit on tha couch for over an hour daddy! Don't be upset with yooni!"
"That was just the first part of your punishment. When we get back to the house you'll get a paddling for biting Joonie."
"Daddy mad?"
"I'm not happy."
"Can yooni still have hug?"
"Of course," Jhope Gave the little a hug, kissing his head gently and letting the little cuddle into his arms for a moment before they sat down to eat.
When everyone got home, Jhope changed yoongi into his shooky pajama set before he was sent to the room Jhope was sleeping in. "Sit on the bed and wait for daddy."
Yoongi sat on the bed, sucking on his thumb as he waited for the man. Jhope was only a few minutes, going to the kitchen to get a wooden spatula since his paddle was back in Seoul.  "Daddy no!" Yoongi went straight to begging when he saw Jhope enter the room.
"I told you at the restaurant what to expect. Now do I need to bare your bottom too? Or can daddy be lenient and keep your pajamas up?"
Yoongi shook his head "want jammies on."
"Then go on and bend over the bed."
Yoongi blushed gently, he secretly wanted to be over his daddy's knees, even if it was for a spanking, he felt safer that way. Jhope would have to hold him place and the touch kept the little feeling protected, but over the bed he felt alone and more exposed. "Why-"
"One." Yoongi jumped at the number, knowing better than to let his daddy get to three.
"No count!" Yoongi bent over the bed and grabbed a pillow for comfort.
"I suggest you stop being bratty little one before daddy looses his patience. I'm going to give you fifteen. And if you ever bite anyone again this will be much worse."
"I'm sowwy daddy-Ow!" Suga flinched at the first smack, feeling his bottom light up with pain quickly.
Yoongi cried into his pillow, Jhope wasn't holding back for the spankings. Landing harsh smacks to his bottom and thighs and the pain was too much for the little to endure as he cried loudly. "Daddy-". Yoongi was trying to bed for the man to stop. "No! Daddy -! It huwts! Owwww! P'ease! No mo' biting! Pwomise!" 
Jhope landed the final spank, sitting the utensil down and suddenly finding yoongi pressed into his chest. "Baby-"
"Huwt weal bad! Never bite again! I pwomise!" Yoongi buried his face in jhope's shirt, clinging to the man tightly.
"It's okay baby boy, daddy's here." He started to soothe him, sending him comforting words as he picked him up and put him in his bed gently.
"No-" the little started to whine when Jhope didn't get into bed as well.
"I need to change baby. Then I'm going to get us glasses of water and your stuff or. I'll be right back."
"Don't go-" yoongi didn't care about his plushie or water if it meant Jhope had to leave for a second.
"NO!" Yoongi actually screamed, shooting Jhope enough to jump. "DADDY DONT GO!" Yoongi started to sob all over again as he reached for Jhope frantically.
Jhope hurriedly got into the bed where yoongi grabbed him and hid his face. "What's wrong?"
"Daddy 'panking huwt weally bad. Yooni bottom huwt weally bad. Don't wanna be alone ever. Wan' daddy to stay. Don't cawe about kumamon."
"You must really want daddy to not even care about kumamon." Jhope rain his hand through the little's hair. "Can daddy at least put his pajamas on?"
"Not leave?"
"No I don't even need to leave the room."
"O-Okay:" Jhope got up and changed into his pajamas before getting back into the bed, letting yoongi snuggle up into his arms.
"Do you feel bette?"
"Neh. Daddy stay with Yooni." The little said, the words muffled as he was curled tightly against Jhope.
"I'll never leave baby boy. I'm always here," he rubbed circles into the little's back humming softly to relax the boy.

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