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Taehyung was in middlespace this evening, he was currently cleaning up his toys after Jin asked him to clean up before his bath. "You go back with your friends," tae mumbled to his stuffed penguin, putting him in the mesh cubby hanger filled with stuffies.


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(A/n. This is mine).
"You almost ready for your bath?" Jin popped his head in, checking on the boy.
"Almost Eomma!"
"Good boy. I'm going to start the water. Come to the bathroom when you're done."
"Neh!" Taehyung went to grab his blocks and put away, blocks and then His coloring things were the last two things he needed to clean up.
When he finished, Taehyung got up and raced out the door, headed to the bathroom to take his bath before a nap.
Jimin passed the little in the hallway, smiling he turned to look at the running little "don't run in the hall-oh!" Just as he went to warn the little to slow down, Tae bumped into a small decorative table, knocking over a glass vase. When it shattered, Tae was midstep and accidentally stepped on a shard of glass.
When it happened, the boy spiraled right into littlespace, crying loudly. "Ow! I sowwy! huwt!"
Jimin ran over to the boy, quickly crouching down and looking at the boy's foot.
"Shhh. It's okay baby. It's only a couple shards. Let's get to the bathroom and clean your foot up".
Jimin helped the little stand, making sure his foot didn't hit the ground as he guided him to the bathroom. "Jin. Taetae knocked into a vase and hurt his foot."
Jin, who had just finished drawing the bath water, looked up and gasped "oh my poor baby!" The eldest helped Jimin sit Taehyung on the sink's counter so they had better access to his foot. "I'll grab what we need from the medicine cabinet."
"It huwts." Taehyung was blubbering.
"I know baby, it'll be better in just a minute." Jimin kisses the little's face, trying to take his mind off the pain as Jin came back over.
"Okay, I'm going to take the glass out now, it isn't deep so I can just bandage it up." Gently, Jin removed the two shards of glass that had gotten stuck in taehyung's foot.
"Don't look baby, just hold onto me," Jimin turned Taehyung face away from Jin, not wanting him to see the bloody shards or the rubbing alcohol that was about to be poured over his foot.
"Ow! No! It stings!" Taehyung gripped onto jimin's shirt when the burn of the alcohol hit the cuts. "Daddy!" Taehyung cried for Jimin, not realizing what he had said.
Jimin looked down at Jin in shock, but this was not the time to say anything as he just hugged Taehyung tightly "it's okay. Shhh. Eomma has to clean your foot. Or it'll get infected and hurt worse later." Taehyung whimpered softly, clenching his fists into jimin's shirt and squeezed his eyes shut.
Jin used a cloth to damp at taehyung's foot gently, drying it before he rubbed some neosporin on the cuts and then used gauze and medical wrap to doctor up taehyung's foot. "I'll let the water out of the tub. You should take your nap first and then you can have a bath. Okay?"
Taehyung moved his head head away from Jimin, his thumb stuck in his mouth now as he nodded. "Let's get you to bed and changed into something comfy okay?" Jimin prompted, helping the little stand and limp to his bedroom.
Jin let out the water before following the pair, watching with a small smile as Jimin changed Taehyung into a pair of shorts and a tee. "Eomma stowy?" Taehyung asked shyly when Jimin tucked him into bed.
"Of course baby, what story you want?" Jin asked, going over to a small bookshelf they kept in every litte's room.
"That's a good story," Jin grinned, grabbing paddington bear from off the shelf and coming over to read to him.
"I need to go clean up that glass before anyone else steps on it," Jimin whispered before kissing taehyung's forehead and heading back out into the hallway.

Adventures of a BTS Little //Discontinued \\Where stories live. Discover now