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I squeezed my way past people in the busy café, trying to find somewhere to sit. Everywhere was jam packed, people bustling around trying to get their morning fix of caffeine on this crisp fall day. I pushed my way all the way to the back, finally spotting a spare seat.

"is this seat taken?" I asked
"no go ahead" the boy smiled, wow luck was really on my side today. He was so handsome, he had dark curly hair which lay over his forehead, his face was skewn with adorable freckles. His smile was really adorable too.
"isn't it a bit cold to be drinking iced coffee?" he asked laughing a bit.
"never in LA"
we both finished our coffees talking about the upsmost randomest things.

"I should get going, I have to go to school" I said beginning to get up.
"you're not walking are you?" he asked looking a bit concerned.
"um yeah?" I replied raising my brow
"I can give you a ride if you want, I need to go to school too?" He offered
"getting into a car with a stranger? my mum would advise me to say no thank you" I laughed
"I'm Finn" he said sticking out his hand
"I'm y/n" I replied shaking his hand
"see we're not strangers now besides I'm not letting you freeze out there" he said holding his ground
"okay fine you win" I said in defeat.

"what school are we going to?" Finn asked "harvard westlake"
"hey I'm starting there today!" Finn grinned
"I can show you the ropes?" I offered "only if you want of course" I added quickly
"my friends are starting here too, is it okay if they join the tour?" finn asked
"of course" I replied

Finn found a car park and we headed to meet his friends at the office. Finn greeted his friends and quickly introduced them to me. "this is y/n everyone and this is sophia, jaeden, wyatt and jack" he said pointing them out "so you guys must be the new kids I was meant to give a tour to this morning?" I smiled "let me check in with Mrs. johnson and then we can head off"

"y/n!" I pivoted around faced with my two best friends running towards me. "Maddie! Lilia!" I said embracing them in a hug, "I have to give a tour to the new kids now but you guys should come! jaeden's there!" I said wiggling my eyebrows at lilia "the one she's always stalking on Instagram?" Maddie gawked "the one and only" i replied dragging Lilia and Maddie with me "okay we're ready to go, these are my best friends- Lilia and Maddie" I introduced

The tour was really fun, we ended up just walking around and talking, with me adding in a bit of information here and there and before we knew it the bell for first period had rung. "what class do you all have first?" I asked "I have english" said jaeden "me too" added sophia and wyatt. "so do I, i can show you the way!" Lilia added steering them in the right direction "how about you two?" I asked jack and finn. "math" they both replied bluntly "so do we!" maddie added.

a/n: first chapter woooop also if you guys don't know : Lilia is @lilia on instagram and Maddie is @maddieziegler :)

7:34am - finn wolfhard X readerWhere stories live. Discover now