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Sammy's face was one of complete awe. But, his jaw-dropped expression soon turned into a smile. Sammy stood up slowly, and cautiously put his hands up as high as he could, besides a slight arc in his arm. "FINALLY !" Sammy screams. He runs full sprint out of the room, "CASTIEL WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU" Sammy shouts as loud as a human possibly can, and he staggers into the library to find Castiel sitting in the library, drinking some tea. "Sam ? Is something wrong ?" Castiel says as he stands up quickly in alarm. "Cas, I need to ask you something." Sammy says with a cheshire-grin. "What is it...?" Castiel says as he pulls out a seat for Sam and himself. They sit down, and Sam can hardly contain himself. "Are you and Dea- no, are you in love with Dean ?" Sammy practically shouts, with his eyes sparkling. Castiel opens his mouth as if he wants to speak, but nothing seems to be coming out. "I-no-I-I" Castiel practically spits, not knowing what to do in this situation. "You are, aren't you ? !" Sammy screams like a fangirl. He jumps out of his chair and runs towards Dean's room.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2018 ⏰

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