Rising Blood

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Underneath the slumbering guinea pig, a red tailed hawk began twitching in his sleep...

Breathing hard, Tiberius glanced around at his surroundings. Darkness surrounded him on all sides. Panic began filling up inside the old hawk when a menacing laugh came from behind him. Whipping around, the hawk saw a battle-scarred hairless cat with one eye. Continuing his evil laugh, the cat pointed a claw at Tiberius. Confused, the old hawk looked over his shoulder to a dreadful sight. Bodies of his family and friends were piled up in a heap, blood rushing down their unmoving corpses. Lifting one of his feet, Tiberius stiffened with fear at the sight of blood on his talons. The hawk didn't have time to react when the hairless cat grasped his throat...

Shrieking, Tiberius woke up with a jolt, accidentally flinging the guinea pig off his back and banging his head against an overhanging branch.

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