The Night is Over

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"What's up my dog?!" Snowball's voice woke Max in the morning. Glancing around, the terrier found all his friends in his apartment. "Katie left while you were sleeping," Duke informed his brother as he ate his breakfast. His mouth was filled with food. Padding over, Gidget nuzzled him gently as she whispered, "How are you today?"

"How was everyone's night?!" Snowball interrupted Max before he could answer Gidget. "Wonderful," Norman replied while Mel mumbled, "Horrifying..." Chloe shuddered at the memory of her dream while Ozone and Leonard sighed as they recalled theirs. "I'd rather not say..." Tiberius muttered, his eyes bloodshot. Norman patted the old hawk reassuringly. Sighing, Pops and Duke grunted at the same time, "Just old memories..." A dreamy look appeared in Buddy's eyes while Sweetpea chirped his answer. "I slept alright," Gidget responded, Max nodding his head in agreement.

Gaping at the others in astonishment, Snowball grumbled, "No one is willing to share their dreams?! Seriously?!"

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