What does this dream mean?

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I'll explain what happened in my dream.

I was late to school. I made it to class. Everything was ok until my class had to go to our next class. I went to talk to my friend. She said "Why are you talking to me?" I said "Because you're my friend ???." I couldn't hear what's her name "Well not any more"she said. "What, why!?" I said. "You sound like a boy and you are annoying brat" Then she walked away from me. I thought that she was having a bad day so I went to my other friend. Act like i wasnt their at all. The next day everyone in the school was bullying me even the teachers and my mom and step dad started to abuse me. I started to cut myself. I felt the pain. Then one day everyone was making fun of my voice and when I made it home I ran to rhe bathroom. I saw a thread and needle. I put the thread into the little whole and tied it to get other. Then I started to sew my mouth shut. I could feel myself doing it I was trying to stop but my body kept going. I wanted to scream for help, I wanted to cry for someone to save me from this pain to stop. Then I stop sewing my mouth. I then went to the tallest building that I can find. I then jumped of the building and died......Then I woke up in my bed. I soon ran to the bathroom to see if I didnt sew my mouth. I saw I was okay and I started to cry in happness.(Idk why) It was all just a dream.....A nightmare.....

I still want to know what that means everyone......Please tell me what that means if anyone knows

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