Yu Eto

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Yu was an old friend of Fire's. At one point in Fire's life, he went on a rampage after being possessed by a demon. Yu had know Fire previously and had befriended him. When her master, Hiroshitso, they tried defeating Fire. They failed, and Hiro was killed. After Fire exploded Hiro's brain, he passed out. Yu had no one else to turn to, so Fire was the only person she had left. On Fire's tenth birthday, Yu gave him a watch that allowed him to time travel. He ended up traveling to the office of Hitler during WWII. The watch broke during the trip and Fire escaped. To his surprise, he had been shot and only discovered the wound when he returned home. This was the first time Fire regenerated into a new person. When Fire returned to where he had left Yu, she was found in multiple pieces. Both her arms and head were torn off. The cause of her death was unknown and Fire never found out who killed her.

 The cause of her death was unknown and Fire never found out who killed her

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