A Year of Waiting.....

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One day I decided to go to church remind you if you read my heading I'm a musician. I was playing the keyboard/piano and if you go to church you know you have that part where you get offered prayer or to join the church and church was good and all of a sudden I see this girl is getting prayed for and she's crying and this looked like tears of pain and hurt. THEN I looked and said in my head " THATS THE YOUNG WOMAN I BEEN LOOKING FOR " I thought I would never see her again after that day. After church I wondered "does she have a man ?" I wanna get to know her better. I wondered for days if that number still worked I was so shy I don't know why cause NO GIRL MADE ME NERVOUS atleast I thought. I went home that night smiling cause I saw the young woman that I thought I lost.
So it came the next day me having to go to work ( it's rain outside ) and my 2 months old baby Pit bull (polo) is whimpering cause I'm leaving I tell him " I'll be back boy safe and sound". I get to the station late today 20 mins late cause of traffic. I hear the men laughing at me there running to the truck and Sam yell's
" HURRY GET IN THE TRUCK WE HAVE A STRUCTURE FIRE " we get to the scene and we mark up a plan before just busting in a flaming build this day I was leading since I was late and I (kicked in the door) and began rushing the house with water the house was caving in. We tried to get as much as the fire put out as possible. Then BOOM everything started falling I jumped out the closes exit which was a glass window when I jumped out I damaged my knee reallll bad . I'm yelling ( MY KNEE MY KNEE ) I thought I was about to say every cuss word it is if it made since or not I was gonna say it cause I was in pain.
They got me to the Hospital got my leg taken care of and now I had to miss work for weeks because of this broken leg and I have to go to therapy.

The next day I arrive at the therapy facility where I sign in and the lady at the desk ask me "are you here for Doctor Macy?" I told her I DONT KNOW she responded " well just have a seat Mrrrrr. Mathis looking at the clip board and she'll be right out". I sat down grabbed a magazine from the table and began reading about a Firefighter falling in love and marrying a doctor.

Then out of know where I happen to look up and see this beautiful smile naturally curly hair and body that'll make you say DAMNNNNNNNN hell I know I did. But it was Dr.Macy said with a sweet soft voice "Mr.Mathis are you ready?" Me thinking " hell yea I'm ready god damnn you sexy " but instead I respond (licking my pink lips) " yes Doctor I'm ready" she quickly answered "right this way"(guiding me to the room)I'm walk on crutches so I got to hop around on this hurtful things.OMG while watching her ass hop around like (OMG THE THINGS GOING THROUGH BOTH OF MY HEADS) wink wink if you know what I mean. We get to the room and she tells me sit down.

Dr. Macy~
So Mr. Mathis are you experiencing any pain. He respond " yes in my legs and my back and chest are hurting from these crutches" (thinking) damn the sound of his voice just does something to me (having to clear my throat) oh okay well can I get you to put the crutches down and stand up " yes mam" he answered. I then grab his muscular arm which was trailed with fine ink art. I asked him can you try to walk for me? He answered " yes mam " he started walking slowly but his muscles gripped my arm tightly as tho I would drop him I see he has no trust in me. So I asked as we walked slowly but progressively "Do you call every woman mam " He chuckled and smiled " yes mam I do " oh my he had the most prettiest teeth and smile I've ever seen I said "Okay I'm just curious". We got back to the chair which we started and I began looking at him as in " I know you from somewhere?"

Firefighter Mathis~

She started looking at me funny I asked her "is there a problem ?" She said " no I feel like I know you from some where. Where do you work? " I respond " the Fire department " Her eyes got big like (damn you look like a owl now) and she said "you the one tried to save my baby" with out even realizing it wit my slow self I said woww it is you,you lookkkkkk (I wanted to say sexy as hell ) but you look great

Dr. Macy~
And you lookkkkk ( he fine as hell like damn when I seen him he didn't have the tattoos and etc) but you look great to besides this knee injury and these crutches you got, it's throwing you off balance a bit ( I laughed ) he looking at me like the junk was corny.

Firefighter Mathis~
Wowww what a coincidence that I was just trying to save you now your helping me. She respond " I really thank you" I respond " NO problem that's my job. I'm just glad I could help you out Doctor MAY is it ? " she bust out laughing "I see you remember " looking a her blush I smiled and bit my lip " yes I remember " so when can I get to know you if you don't have a man ? I asked in a smooth voice. She respond " I don't knoww if I'm ready to interact with another guy right now " I responded quickly " no no no I'm not trying to move onto you like that I just want to get to know you " she said "I'll let you know when I get off work tonight at 9:00 " I said sluggishly " okayyyy"
She walked me to my car and helped me in and she waved and said in a soft,sweet,and sexy voice " bye Firefighter Brandon " I was so surprised she remembered I smiled so damn hard And said " Goodnight Dr.May "

•Let me Know what y'all think of the story so far there's more to come keep updated 🙏🏾💯😏

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