Jung Hoseok

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Hoseok was always trying to not let anyone know about his past. Why? Because his past was a hell. He was so relieved when he got to the orphanage. No,he isn't an orphan.
"Eomma,eomma!" Little 6 year old Hoseok said. "What is it hun?" His eomma asked. "Can I get ice-cream,please?" His eomma chuckled at his son. "Okay hun. Let's go." "Yay!" Hoseok and his eomma were at the park cuz Hoseok wanted to play. She was buying the ice cream like Hobi wanted. He wanted a vanilla and banana ice cream. He's favorite. She handed the ice cream to Hobi and left. "Let's go home now,hun. It's getting late." "Awww,okay.!"

After 10 minute walking,they reached a house. Their home. They opened the door and Hobi's appa/oppa wasn't home. "Hey hun,you go watch some cartoons,I'll go to my room for a sec,okay?" "Okay!" Hoseok was watching cartoons on TV when he heard shouting from his eomma's room. He didn't know what was going on so he got up from couch and went up the stairs. As he got closer to the room,he could hear the words. He knocked on the door and opened it. He saw his appa in the bed with a woman who he didn't know. Everyone freezed and looked at Hoseok. "Eomma? Appa?" He asked. "Can you go down please,hun?" Eomma asked. "No. I want to know what's going on." His eomma took a deep breath and said: "I'm sorry hun,but your appa slept with another woman..." "What does it mean?" Hoseok was confused. "That means he loves that woman more than me." "But why appa?" Hoseok said to his appa. "I'm sorry hun. But I do love Melissa more than Arelene...." "Hoseok honey,I am moving out.." "What do you mean?" "I'm not going to live here anymore. Me and your eomma will divorce. That means I don't have to do anything for her..." "Eomma.." "Yes hun?" "Is it okay?" "Yes honey..."

A tear slide down Hoseok's cheek. He still remembers that day.

"Eomma no. Please don't do it! What did I do to deserve this?" Hoseok was 12 nearing 13. He and his eomma had moved to a new apartment because she said she doesn't want anything that made her remember his father. Hoseok hasn't heard of his oppa about 7 years. "You deserve all of it,you bitch!" His eomma has been abusing him since Hoseok was 9. "I... I didn't do anything!" Hoseok cried. His eomma punches him,cuts him and tortures him. Hoseok doesn't understand why though. "Yes you did! You have his blood in you!" Hoseok cried even harder. "That's it! Pack your things and leave! And never come back! Now!!" Hoseok ran to his room,took a big bag and put his stuff there. Clothes,shoes,his money he secretly took from eomma. Some books and pictures... He zipped the bag closed and left whiteout a word. He has been walking about 3 hours now. And he felt that his getting numb. That he's losing his hope,will to live. That his forgetting about feelings.

Another tear slide down Hoseok's cheek. He remembers that day clearly as well. He hasn't seen his real eomma since then. Hoseok got the orphanage and it was his luck that his new eomma and oppa have the same surname as he  has. Nobody suspects that he's not Jung Adelaide's and Jung Rogers's r.sonH.ewatched the time and it's 05:45. He didn't realize that he has been running so much. Hoseok swiped his tears and went back to the dorms.

Eventually he got to the dorms and plugged his phone in the charger. He made his bed and took his fresh clothes and towel,then went to the shower. After a 10 min shower and putting the clothes on,he cooked himself some breakfast. Pancakes,bacon,salad and coffee. When he finished his breakfast,he washed his dishes and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He looked at the clock and it's 06:38 now. His morning class starts at 07:20. He still has some time. He combed his hair with his brush and packed his school things. Then he decided to watch TV until he has to leave. Yes,he has a TV.

Hoseok has one lesson more. And it's Mathematics. He was quite good at it. He hadn't survive if he hasn't know maths. The funny thing was that he doesn't remember what he had done. He remembers watching TV before his lessons starts and after that everything was a blur. It was break time so he went to the canteen. He bought a chocolate milkshake and went to a lone table near the window. He drinked his milkshake and thought about his past.

Before he knew it,his last class had ended. He packed his things and left. Once he reached his room he started studying. Yup,he always studies first,then he does other things.

After an hour and half Hoseok finished studying. He checked his things and packed his stuff for Monday. He was getting hungry so he went to the kitchen and opened his fridge. And there wasn't anything. The fridge was empty.... Hoseok growled and took a pen and paper and started doing his grocery shopping list.

An hour later he had finished putting his food in their rightful places,he started making dinner. He decided to make just salad and a cup of tea.

Hoseok was putting his cup and plate to their place when his phone rang. He put the cup and plate on their place,then answered to his phone. "Hello?" "Hi honey...." Hoseok felt like he was stabbed with a kitchen knife. He couldn't believe his ears.... After all those years...... "What do you want?" He snapped angrily at his real mother.
"....Calm down honey..." Calm down,calm down! After all those years... Tell what you want or I'll hung up." "Now honey,don't be upset." "Don't be upset!? Your the one who kicked me out of our apartment when I was 12! And now you call me-after all those years!? Well,let's make one tings clear:You mean nothing to me,you don't have a place in my life and heart. Thanks to you I am numb. But I got adopted.... I'm not so numb now,because I have them. They support me. You didn't. I don't care about you at all. Now tell me why you called." There-it went all out. He said those things to her,but he meant them. Scratch that-the hell he doesn't...he still kinda cares about her.

"I really am sorry hun. I'm sorry I did those things to you. But you need to understand,I was so sad when me and your father divorced." Hoseok slowly closed his eyes and sighed. "Do you really thought I wouldn't understand that? Didn't you know that I was sad too? That I missed him too. I get that you were sad,but you didn't have to do those things to me." "I know honey,bu-" "Don't you dare call me honey!" He heard his mother sigh. "Fine,but listen at least to my request..." "Depends. What is it?" "..... I want to meet you..." "Why?" Hoseok heard someone knock on his door. "Wait a sec,someone knocked."

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