...That was.... unexpected..

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Wooo! Pic of our BTS up!⬆️⬆️⬆️
Rap Mon looks weird if you ask me. Sorry Rap Mon,no offence... Well,let's get on with the new chapter shall we?

Hoseok was sleeping peacefully when someone barged on the door. Hoseok sat up and rubbed his eyes and went to the damn door to see who is it. "I swear Tae if it's you,I'll kill your ass." He grumbled and opened the door. He looked up and saw the whole gang laughing. "What?" Hoseok was getting irritated cuz his sleep was disturbed. "Hey! I didn't even knock!" Tae laughed. He let the gang in and closed the door. "So what do you guys want?" "Breakfast!" Jimin said making others laugh again. "Ugh. I can't believe you guys. Seriously,what do you want? It's like 10 a.m." Hoseok went to the kitchen and put the stove on. Everyone else followed of course. "We wanted to know if you wanted to go to theme park with us." Namjoon said. "I can't." "Aww,why Hobi?" Hoseok slightly freezed at the nickname but thankfully didn't  stutter when he said, "Theres someone I need to meet today." He answered truthfully. "Aww,okay."

Hoseok was waiting for his mother in the cafe. He had already order himself a chocolate milkshake and he's now sitting on a two person table near the window. Hoseok was actually nervous. He hasn't seen her in years. He isn't sure if he would recognize her... "Hello honey..." He looked up and saw her. His real mother. "H-hi." His mother sat down. Hoseok gulped and relaxed. "Alright,talk." He said. He wanted it to finish soon. "Look... I am sorry for hurting you and doing those things to you." "You really think I believe that?" "No. But I want your trust in me. And I'm here to gain your trust again." "Really? After all those years? You kicked me out. You didn't search for me. It's already hard to just sit here and listen to you." "I know and I did search for you. I stopped searching for you yesterday,I had lost my hope,but I met your foster parents.We sat down and I told them everything. They gave me your number and said that it's your decision if you want me in your life and I agree with them. It is your choice,but want your trust." Hoseok really didn't know what to think about it. Should he give her a chance?
Hoseok signed. "Alright. I will give you one chance to gain my trust. But you need to be honest." His eomma sat up and hugged him. "I'm so sorry hun. I promise to not hurt you and be honest with you. I'm glad your giving me a chance and I'll do everything to not mess it up. Can you tell me how has your life been  going?"

After some hours of crying and bonding Hoseok is at his dorm. Hoseok had told her about it. That he has cut himself but he stopped. His eomma still accepted him thought. And he felt relieved. Because more than he thinks about it the more he realizes that he wants her to trust him. Hoseok yawned,it was pretty late. He spent the day with his eomma.
He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷 lol

What the hell did I just do? Oh no no,oh no. No no no no no no no...
He couldn't do that.... And yet he did.
Hoseok had just cut himself. He watched as the blood dripped to the sink.
Drop. Drop. Drop. Drop. Drop.
Another drop.
He couldn't believe himself.
Too much stress.

He covered his cut with bandage and cleaned the sink and quickly grabbed his phone and dialed a number what he saved in his phone yesterday.
She picked up on the first ring.

"Hey sweetie,what's up?" Hoseok couldn't help it and sobbed when he didn't want to. "Sweetie,are you okay?" "I did it eomma... I promised myself I wouldn't,but I still did it.."
Hoseok whispered. Arelene gasped.
"Sweetie! Why did you cut yourself?"
Hoseok sobbed again.
"I'm sorry eomma." "It's okay. Do you want to meet up?" "Can I?" "Of course you can! How about well meet in D-Cream now?" "Okay." "Perfect. I'll see you soon sweetie!" "Bye..." Then she hung up.

He then quickly started getting ready.
A few minutes later he was off.

Hoseok and Arelene were walking back to Hobi's dorm. Arelene insisted that she'll walk with him. Hoseok cried a lot.
They reached the university's dorms. "I'll go back to the dorms now. Bye eomma..." "Alrighty,just call me anytime if something happens,okay?" "I'll do that. Thanks eomma." She smiled at her son. "I'm so glad that you gave me another chance. It's late,you should go back now." "Oh,okay. Bye eomma." "Bye." Arelene hugged his son,then waved him bye and left.
And then Hoseok was left alone,letting his thoughts wonder. He started walking to the dorms.

Hoseok was listening to music while sitting on his bed  and thinking. He just don't understand why he's life is like that,why he did those things to himself. "Sick Boy" by The Chainsmokers started playing. He loved that song. It made him feel better when he was sad.

Why is my life like this? I feel like I'm suffering... suffocated. Ugh...
I really do hate my life.
Why me? Why the hell me!?
Hoseok bursted out crying.
Why can't I just give up on everything?
Hoseok was crying so much that he didn't see his friends entering his room with worried faces.
"Hoseok-ah? What's wrong?" Jin-hyung asked. Everyone was worried since they haven't seen Hoseok cry.
Hoseok looked up,shocked. He didn't hear them entering. He quickly wiped away his tears. "O-Oh. Jin-hyung,I didn't hear you guys entering. What's up?" Jin sat down on Hoseok's bed. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Hoseok sobbed as more tears fell down his cheeks.
"I-I have s-something to t-tell y-you guys..."

"SHE DID WHAT!?" Jin yell-screamed. Hoseok had told them everything from A-Z. It was pretty late now. Hoseok still had tears streaming down his face. Jin-hyung's yell-scream made him cry harder. "Jin-hyung,shut up! You're making him cry harder!" Taehyung said. He sat down next to Hoseok and pulled him in to a hug. "It's okay,Hoseok-hyung. We're you're friends. We'll always be there for you."
Taehyung whispered into Hoseok's ear. "Thank you guys." Hoseok sobbed. "No problem hyung." Taehyung smiled.

After some time lounging around everyone went back to their dorms to sleep. Taehyung didn't leave thought. "Hoseok-hyung,I'll spend the night here OK?" "Okay." 


"Jung Hoseok,please report to the principals office." The principal said through the intercom.

Hoseok was confused but went to the principals office anyway.

Once he reached the office,he knocked on the door. There was heard a "Come in!" So Hoseok opened the door.

What Hoseok saw left him speeches.
He saw his eomma,appa,appa's new wife and a girl. And his foster parents.

"Hi honey." His eomma hugged him. "Why am I here Mr.Kim?" Hoseok asked the principal. "Sit down first." Hoseok did that. "Your here for two things." He said.


Hoseok left the office with a plank face. Why?
1) He saw his eomma.
2) He saw his appa and his new wife.
3) He saw his sister.
4) He remembered a lot of memories.
5) He will have a roommate who his searching for.
6) He feels like having another mental breakdown again.

"Hello. Are you Min Yoongi?" Hoseok asked the guy.
"Yes,yes I am. Who are you?"
"I am Jung Hoseok. I come from the principals office,you will be my roommate." "Oh,okay."

Ha ha! How was it? Was it too long? I gotta go. Bye kids!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2018 ⏰

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