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Four months later

My girl: hope your having fun at work babe

Me: yeah work is always so much fun.. I hope your getting the sarcasm vibe I am giving to you right now lol

My girl: i got the sarcasm well I'm back home from the hospital. Can't wait to tell you what we're having XX

Me: me too school is almost over I can't wait to be with my lady :D
I love you jagi

My girl: and I can't wait to be with you oppa XX

Me: be home soon just leaving now class was boring cause you weren't here :(

My girl: I'll be back on Monday which is in three days and you'll see me when you get home tehe

Me: I'm on my way to you so talk to you later baby

My girl: bye xx

Min's POV
As I get off the phone and go home to my beautiful girl. For what I did I hope she don't hate me for it. The whole school is cool with it I just hope you are too baby. Moments later I pull in and close the garage door I walk in and see her wake up from on the couch and she tries to stand and I go to her and help her and say "here let me help you out there" it's time to tell her Min let's hope for the best. I say "don't hate me for this" I breathe in and out and say "I told the school about us and their not mad" she says

"You still got your job right" and I say "I sure do and their going to let you graduate too" she wraps her arms around my neck and peck kiss my lips and I peck kiss hers and she says "well that's a relief.... now let me sleep" I chuckle and say "you and your baby issues" I pick her up bridal style and take her to our room and lay her in bed and say "you get your sleep I'll order your and the baby's pizza" she says to me "your such a good boyfriend" I take my phone and order her pizza. Moments later I come back into the room and she's asleep and I open the box and see the pizza is all gone. That baby sure can eat I smile and think to myself she graduates tomorrow I am so proud of her. Well done Khia well done!!

~The next night~

As I stand and wait for my name to be called I take a breath in and out and then principal O'Brien says my name and I go up and shake her hand and hands me my diploma and I smile and our picture and head back to my seat and sit. Before I sit I see a sign with my name on it I smile and sit moments have passed and the principal says "congratulations class of 2017" we take our hats and toss them in the air but I refused to do that. As graduation ended I walk with my friends and I get a text message.

My love: see you when you get out here xx

Me: see you out there xx

My love: I love you

Me: I love you too oppa xx

We come out and we see the boys again holding up a big sign that says Congratulations Khia and also decorated. I walk up in front of Min and he takes out an empty bag and says "let's get you out of that cap and gown" I take off my hat and put it in the bag and the gown too. We join hands and we all get in the car I'm in the middle of Namjoon and Yoongi and Jung (a/n: as we know who happens to be jhope) says "ready for your celebration dinner Khia?" I say "I'm hungry so yeah I'm ready and I also got good news to share. It's about the baby"

All eyes are on me and they stay quite and nod their heads which means for me to continue and I say "today when I went in to see if it was a boy or a girl. Something has came up and when I say the baby turns out it's two babies" April squeals out "twins" I smile and say "both boy and a girl" Min says "this is great and I got news too which I will announce during dinner" moments have passed and we're eating and having a good time and Trent says "so do you have names picked out yet?" I say "I've found some good ones but I don't know if he would agree" and Min says to me "try me" and I say "for the boy I was thinking of naming him... Tyler and his middle name Drew with daddies last name of course" I then add "and same thing with the girl but her name being Hope Marie" he looks at me and says "perfect.. I love it" moments later he gets on one knee and everyone has their eyes on us he says "make me the luckiest man by marrying me" I cry out "yes I would so love too" everyone cheered and we kiss

As the night ends and we go home and dressed for bed and we get in and he kisses my belly and says "my babies" he then kisses me and says "my queen" and I kiss him and and say "my king" we smile and drift off into sleep

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