Chapter Two: The Grand Table of Misfits & the Journey in the Jungle to Get to It

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Nicolai led me to the cafeteria as we made small talk. I found out that I have two periods with him and that he wrote for the school newspaper, The Red Rooster. “So the school mascot is a Rooster?” I asked trying not to burst out laughing. Because I assumed that it was a requirement for school mascots to be a little bit intimidating or at the very least, not a chicken. “Yes, we are the Red Roosters and we will peck you to death.” Nicolai said and chuckled. And it was the finest chuckle I have ever heard. “Why are you laughing? I mean aren’t you like all about school spirit? Don’t you work for The Rooster?” 

“I’m not really all about school spirit. I’m on the school newspaper because I want people to know my opinions. Kind of like shoving it down their throats in a more subtle way.” Nicolai said still laughing. The booming sound of excited chatter and loud laughter grew louder and before we knew it, we were in the cafeteria.

Besides the fact that Nicolai was making me feel like I should actually care about whether my jeans sagged in all the wrong places or not, he was pretty cool. And it seemed like the rest of the school thought so too. I was following Nicolai to his table when suddenly this really big guy was right in front of him and he looked down on Nicolai like he was a puny man. And when I say really big guy I actually do mean Really Big Guy. So then the Really Big Guy gives Nicolai a bear hug and carries him which made Nicolai flail his legs but he still hugged the Really Big Guy back. “Nicky you’re so light what the hell have you been eating? I thought we agreed on eleven hotdogs everyday.” The Really Big Guy asked Nicolai as he put him down.

Nicolai straightened his clothes, and fake punched the Really Big Guy “I couldn’t really take eleven hot dogs, Danny I really can’t. When I tried I almost puked everything out. Just imagine, chunks everywhere.” Nicolai said as he faked puked and used his hands to mimic a big explosion of chunks. His eyes widened as he filled his cheeks with air and waved his hands around as he blew it all out.

It. Was. So. Adorable.

And then suddenly when Nicolai remembered my existence he put one arm over my shoulders and said, “Hey, Danny this is my friend Monday.” Nicolai looked at me and gestured to Danny. “Monday, this is Danny. He’s been trying to get me to wrestle since freshman year, I just haven’t been interested.”

“Hi.” I said, my voice sounding smaller than it should. Danny acknowledged me with a bear hug very much like the one he gave Nicolai five minutes ago but seemingly not as aggressive. Nicolai laughed as my arms and legs flailed for safety. Sadly, I did not get to hug him back because I was too busy panicking. Nicolai looks at me “Don’t worry he does that to everybody he likes.”

“So what does he do when he doesn’t like someone?” I ask, not really wanting to know the answer, but I asked anyway for the sake of actually Seeming Interesting.

Then Danny used his really big hands and raised a fist and slammed it into his palm in a very violent and scary way that I did not dare ask about. Nicolai seemed very encouraging but stopped when he saw my face that was turing to a very light shade of green. “Look man, we gotta go. I’ll catch up with you later okay?” 

As Nicolai led me to his table I looked around. I noticed some people stealing glances at Nicolai but quickly looking away. But on the rare occasion that Nicolai caught their eyes he smiled at them.

Then, we stop. I slam into Nicolai’s back, because I wasn’t really paying attention. And when I looked I saw a girl with really long strawberry blonde hair and high cheekbones and she had her hand raised to stop us. Then the girl touched his arm in this really flirty way that just didn’t work. Nicolai looked like he was ready to run. He gave me an apologetic look, and even though the green from my face has slowly disappeared I still felt sick. “Nick! Oh my god, how’ve you been?” the girl said. She was chewing gum. I don’t know what it was about prissy girls and bubble gum because it’s not like bubble gum makes anyone attractive. “I’ve been good,Veronica. How are you?” Nicolai asked.

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