Chapter 25

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

My eyes slowly opened. Where am I? There was a bunch of rubble everywhere. A face suddenly came into view. It was Carl.

"You're ok!" He shouted as he hugged me. Why does he care that much? My body suddenly ached. I gently pushed him off and tried to get up. Everything hurt all over, so I just decided to lay back down.

"W-What happened?" My voice was hoarse.

   "We had to explode part of the building to quickly get you and Pace out." At the mention of his name my eyes started to tear. "And we had to chose part of the building, so we chose a side. We figured that you were in a basement or something. Then I found your note, but it was too late," he finished. Footsteps gradually got closer.

   "Carl, we couldn't find Pace." It was Daryl. Carl glared at him and put a finger to his lips. Daryl probably didn't think that I was awake. "Uh, hi (Y/N). How do yah  feel?" This was one of the rare times that Daryl stuttered.

   "The pain is slowly going away. I guess I got lucky."

   "Guys, we have to go! They found us," came Rick's voice from a distance.

   "Can yah walk?" Daryl asked.

   "I can try," I said back. I managed to stand up.

   "Let's go," Carl told me. We all ran off to the woods. My legs were cramped up a bit, but other than that and a huge headache, I was fine. Gunshots started to come from the Sanctuary. A bullet whizzed by my leg. Their trying to take out one of my legs, so they can hold me captive again. Well, that's not going to happen.

   I started to run faster. Almost to the woods. Something embedded itself into my leg. I cried out in pain. Blood poured down my leg. I managed to keep my balance and not fall down. Daryl, who was way ahead, saw what happened and ran back to help me.

   "Thank you," I said between gritted teeth. He nodded. Eventually, we all got out and went back to my house. I already lost quite a bit of blood. It was even worse since I was still recovering from the explosion. Denise had to come over from Alexandria to take care of my wound. Finally, it was all patched up. It turns out that the bullet only grazed my leg. Now, I'm just sitting in bed and reading. Someone walked into the room. I looked up from my book and saw Carl.

   "Hey..," he trailed off.

   "What's up?" I asked.

   "I'm sorry that we couldn't find Pace." I swallowed. Images of what happened passed through my head.

   "He was never there."

   "He wasn't?" I could tell that Carl felt bad about talking about it. He didn't want to make me sad.

   "No, I met up with him inside of the woods. Walkers surrounded us. He saved me." I suddenly started to sob. Carl leaned over and hugged me.

   "I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I really am."


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