Kingdom sakura

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   chapter 1

     If I could turn back the hands of time it would be to the day I met him. his clothes had been torn and he was practicaly on deaths door, covered in blood from head to toe. what was I suppose to do? How was I to know it was ganna change all I knew?

    I remember it like it was yesterday, Mother and Father had just left and I watched the car pull off from the window seat of the library where I spent my every moment reading. The books were all old and worn down the smell they held could be described as reminisent and familiar, a smell I was always glad to be campared with. I loved being in the big room its plain white walls always being the comfort i'de seek when upset. The tall bookshelfs surrounded me with all the books calling my name waiting to be opened  once more their words waiting to be read by familiar hazel eye's.

    I sat for about an hour in the window with its colorful pillows supporting my back as I finished up the last page of Artemist fowl. Afterward I swung my feet over the edge and out from the warmth and comfort of being under me to the cold hardwood floor that I proceeded to walk upon taking the book to its rightful home on one of the many shelfs with its sequels. Taking a deep breath I look out the window just in time to see the beauty of the ashura blue sky turn gold as the sun set only to be hidden by the mountains and out of view. once the moonlight was the only think leaking into the room I turned on my heals and headed for the big oak doors, pushing them open reavealed the almost always empty hallway. the walls were red as if stained with blood with a brown baseboard that could be mistaken as dirt brown if you looked long enough the many windows that  lined the hallway had long white curtains swaying with any breeze they would catch making them look ghostly.

   Although it was late and I knew I should probabley head to bed, I turned right and headed for the bathroom to take a late night shower to ease my wondering mind. Once I made it to the bathroom door I opened it and stepped onto the cold marble tiled floor. Looking around I noticed my towel was already on the towel rack, I smiled glad I wouldnt have to traipse down the hall to the landrey room to get it. Locking the door I turned on the water and made sure it was the right temperature before stripping off my black t-shirt that had "streangth and beauty"  written on it then my average blue jeans. I folded them both and put them in the green wicker basket meant for dirty clothes along with my undergarments, soon after that i stepped in the shower. I stood still just enjoying the water for a few moments as it cascaded down my back and face soaking my hair. I could feel all my stress fade as I closed my eye's and leaned my head back listening to the water pelt my body. Not wanting to waist water I leaned my head back up and opened my eye's and began to wash away the filth of the day. I smiled as the smell of vanilla filled my nose. Content with the waters warmth I didnt wanna get out but I knew I had to so I stopped the water and got out then wrapped my towel around me and left for my bedroom.

   Coming to a door decorated with sakura tree picures and the name Emie on it I smiled and opened it revealing a brightly colored room. On the bed were multi colored pillows and a bright baby blue blanket to tie the look off. The carpet was a normal light brown and the walls were a lovey light yellow. I waked over to my dresser in the corner of the room and opened it picking threw for my favorite pj's, a black tank top and a pair of light gray knee length shorts. After I was changed I placed my towel on my dresser and flopped down onto my bed enjoying the light sound of rain outside like a comfortable lullaby. Driffting to sleep a sudden irritation filled me as their was a knock downstairs. I got up and left my room to desend the spiral steps that were a lovely golden color. Getting to the door just as the knocks stopped I swung it open prepared to yell a the person on the other side, but when I looked at them it was a young boy about a year older than me his blond hair a mess and covered in dried blood his plad shirt torn and bloody making injuries visible, his green eye's were dull and I could tell they use to be brighter. Studying him I realized their was more blood then I thought and just as I was about to ask what happened he cut me off with two word "help me" passing out right after, frozen I looked down as his blood soaked the porch. What was I suppose to do? 

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