Part 1

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Ragini was studying the most famous college in Calcutta she is a merit student she got admission their because she is good in studies. When she got admission she was literally sad because her school friends didn't get admission there they are studying in private colleges she also wanted to study there but knowing her parents wealth condition she decided to study there. But she was very sad that she will miss her friends.


It was the the first day of her college. She was very nervous as she was alone. She slowly enter her class escaping from all seniors they are ragging the junior. It was the first time she is entering the college all alone. When she entered her class look for a seat finally she find a seat in back bench and goes and sit there giving her sweet smile to the girl next her. Four girls are already in that bench, ragini is not a talkative girl so it is difficult for her to made friendship with new people. But now she need talk with them or else or she may fell alone in that class.'Hai my name is ragini,what is your name' she says with her sweet  voice.The girl looked Ragini and smiled and says her name. 'Me Ishani,you can call me Ishu' she said and soon both become friends then friends to best friends. The other three girl in there bench is little ego type who never shows interest to talk with them,so they left that bench. Soon three other girls join in there group they are Pragya,Anika and Sanjana five share a good bond and became good friends. They call each other with nick name Anika as Anu,Sanjana as Sanju,Pragya as Paru and Ishani as Ishu. They call Ragini as Ragu.

Ishani(Radhika Madan):

One of ragini's friend

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One of ragini's friend. Sweet and cute girl. Who had no interest on studies she had an only dream that marry a handsome and rich guy soon as possible so that she don't need to study more.Her nick name is Ishu.

Pragya(Srithi Jha):

She is a silent girl like ragini very kind hearted

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She is a silent girl like ragini very kind hearted. Good in studies. Loves her friends so much they call her as Paru.

Anika(Surabhi Chandna):

Bold and bubbly girl very talkative

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Bold and bubbly girl very talkative.A naughty girl for her friends she is Anu.

Sanjana(Sangeetha  Chauhan):

Like Anika a bubbly and naughty girl

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Like Anika a bubbly and naughty girl.Do anything for her friends.Her friends call her as Sanju.

'Paru and Ragu is you guys are coming with us' Anu asking them in the 6th time. Ishu and Sanju looking Pragya and Ragini in disbelief. Three of them want to go to watch movie cutting there boring history class but our good girls ragini and Pragya are not ready to bunk their class but also want to go with  the three.  Ishu Sanju and Anu are requesting ragu and Pragya but both the good girls seems not convincing. Only five minutes to enter the history master arrival. finally that happens he arrives now they are not able to bunk the class. Ishani Anika and Sanjana looked ragu and Pragya angrily. Both three are really getting annoyed with the boring  history lecture and glaring ragya(ragini and Pragya) angrily.
Finally the boring lecture finishes and sir left.
'sorrry' ragya said holding there ear. Firstly other three show anger then slowly they  start to smile.' It's ok' three said and smiled and five of them share a group hug.

Both five share a good bond Anika and Sanjana teach the other three how to bunk classes,how will enjoy the college life. The common factor between them is that they are from middle class family and also merit students.

Precap: Hero entry

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