Part 7: confession

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Raglak are standing close to each other they are not talking but lost in each other's eyes,a beautiful eyelock. Then suddenly Ragini start to move back ward and run away from him. He runs behind her but he was too late,before he could reach near her someone came towards ragini and holds her wrist. she left with that person looking laksh with teary eyes. Ragini start disappear from his site with that guy. Laksh is looking them with teary eyes.

'Nooo' he scream and get up from his sleep(yes it was just a night war of laksh).

He is badly effected by that dream tears are rolling down his cheek he is feared to loose her. He is feared like hell if his nigh war become true.

No I can't loose my ragini,i want her always beside me,i want her as my lover,i want her as my partner,i can't see her with someone else.

It is high time now I can't bear her ignorance I can't see her sad face that is hurting me. I missing her beautiful smile. Now only two month is left for me in the college,if I like a coward fail to confess my feelings to her I will loose her forever I can't think about that.

Now Ragini Gadodiya just wait your Laksh is going to propose you(he seems determined)then l want to see how you are going to ignore after that(he smiled himself about he proposing her and she shyly saying yes to him. He thinking like this because he sees pour love in her eyes only for him).
One of my classmate says me that some seniors are calling me.
Why they are calling me??is I done anything wrong to me?is they want to rag me😦😦??.
I in confusion and fear went to meet them.I got shock my foot freezed there standing my love with his most handsome smile in which I always fall for and little far away his friends are also standing looking me and him with curious,i don't have any idea about what is going to happen here.
Why they are here Infront of my class?? Oh God!!it means he is the senior who wants to meet me,but why🤔🤔.
ohh my God I am getting shiver by his intense gaze,pls God don't make me weak by his look.

I stepped Infront of him,looked straight in to his face this is the first time we are standing face to face,finally I take carriage  and ask him 'is he is the one who want to talk with me'.

He nod and I can seen sum nervousness in his face.
'what you want to say ' I asked because I want to know the reason soon as possible and I can't face him longtime because I feared to fall for him more,as I am trying hard to ignore and forgot him,if it impossible to me to.

He smiled in nervousness and closed his eyes and opened and looked straight in my eyes,oh my God I was getting lost in his brown eyes we share a beautiful eyelock,and breaking our eyelock he said that the three magical words,which I always dreamed to be hear from his mouth that 'He loves❤️❤️❤️ me'.
What my love loves me!!!😄😄😄(Poor ragini for some time she forgot about the Swa-lak)
I was in cloud nine when he said that magical words,i was  like flying in to the air like butterfly and no words to express my feelings,it is the most wonderful movement that when you know about your secret love also have same feelings for you.But my happiness have only seconds life,that I remembers about Anu's words about Swa-lak. Now My head and heart is getting confuse,if he is in love with swara why is he proposing me,why I am seeing true love in his eyes.

Finally my mind wined and I concluded that he my be want a relation with me for time pass(Don't kill our ragini for thinking like that because she don't know na he loves her as much she loves him.But you guys know about it already na😊😊).

she heard many about such boys(even her eyes and heart are speaking that her laksh is not that type guy who play with girls emotions,she is ignoring it,as now she want reason that he can't love her as he is in love with swara).

He looked me with smile I can sense from his face that he is expecting a yes from me,may be from my behavior he understand that I have some feelings for him,and thought to take advantage of them,how can you do like this laksh. Why are you trying to play with my feelings😭😭😭(😔😔Pls don't kill ragu for her thought it is not easy for a girl to believe a guy especially when she had some misunderstand about him).

'sorry Laksh I don't have any feelings for you' I said this words without looking to his eyes as I can hide my feelings from my mouth but not with my eyes. I was controlling my tears with difficult and left from there without looking him.

Here our laksh was looking her like dump head. He is not able believe his ears.

I sees  love in your eyes for me then how can you simply reject me😭😭😭. Then what was that I  sees in your eyes,in your gaze towards me,is everything was his thought no ragini I know you loves me but you are saying this by keeping something in your heart.

He looked Ragini going with out looking him once,actually even through he is not seeing her reaction we can she her crying face.

Just look at me my eyes once ragini don't you see  love in my eyes  for you ragini😩😩.

Screen freeze on ragini is going away from him with teary eyes,and Laksh is looking her with broken hear💔💔💔.

What happen next is Laksh night war became true??

Is Laksh will able to know about why ragini rejected him??

Is raglak can be together??is it is the end of everything???

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