Chapter 4 Chica's POV

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I see the lights turn on and someone come in and come look at us.It look like a boy.

"Hi there guys today is the day"He said

Then he went down a hallway and then music starts playing and then we start moving and then john/freddy starts singing.

(play the song now)

"We're waiting every night.

To finally roam and invite.

Newcomers to play with us.

For many years we've been all alone.

We're forced to be still and play.

The same songs we've known since that day.

An imposter took our life away.

Now we're stuck here to decay.

Please let us get in!

Don't lock us away!

We're not like what you're thinking.

We're poor little souls.

Who have lost all control.

And we're forced here to take that role.

We've been all alone.

Stuck in our little zone.

Since 1987.

Join us, be our friend.

Or just be stuck and defend.

After all you only got.

Five nights at Freddy's.

Is this where you want to be?

I just don't get it.

Why do you want to stay?

Five nights at Freddy's.

Is this where you want to be?

I just don't get it.

Why do you want to stay?

Five nights at Freddy's.

We're really quite surprised

We get to see you another night

You should have looked for another job

You should have said to this place good-bye

It's like there's so much more

Maybe you've been in this place before

We remember a face like yours

You seem acquainted with those doors

Please let us get in!

Don't lock us away!

We're not like what you're thinking

We're poor little souls

Who have lost all control

And we're forced here to take that role

We've been all alone

Stuck in our little zone

Since 1987

Join us, be our friend

Or just be stuck and defend

After all you only got

Five nights at Freddy's

Is this where you want to be?

I just don't get it

Why do you want to stay?

Five nights at Freddy's

Is this where you want to be?

I just don't get it

Why do you want to stay?

Five nights at Freddy's

Song by The Living Tombstone's"John sang as the kids came in.Then John looked at me it looked like he was telling me to play along and I went and played along.Seven hours later the kids left and I saw the guy come up to us and said.

"You guys did good till next time"He said

Then the lights turned off and I heard the door lock.

"What did we do"I asked

"I don't know but that was fun"Charlie said

"Ya so now what"John said

"Let's go see Carlton"I said

"Ok let's"John said

So we walked over to Carlton/foxy and he was sitting at the edge of his stage and I look around and see that every is the same.

"Carlton did you get any kids"I asked

"No I didn't"Carlton said sadly

"That is sad I am sorry Carlton maybe next time we will tell them that you are over here"John said

Then we heard a bang and the lights turn on.

"Oh no we better get back to our spots or they'll find out about us"I said

So we all went back to are spots and the guy came in as we were done.He come up to us and made sure that we were there then he went to Carlton/Foxy's cove and alite bit later he came back with Carlton/Foxy in tow.

"Now you will be able to have fun again"He said

He brot Carlton/Foxy to the parts and service room.Three hours later and the door opened and out came the guy and what look like Carlton/Foxy and then he brot Carlton/Foxy back to his stage and then left.We went to Carlton/Foxy to see what he did to him and when we got there he was all fix up.

"Wow Carlton you look good"Jessica said

"Las do I look good"Carlton said

"Yes you do now where did you put him"Charlie said

"In the trap door on my stage matey"Carlton said

Then we hear footsteps coming this way when we turn around Michael/Golden freddy was standing there.

"You look good friend"Michael said

"And look the sign is gone"John said

"What realy las arg"Carlton said

So two hours later everything went black.

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