Chapter 10 withered or old bonnie

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I heard a bang and I looked to were the bang came from I saw Sky/Mangle on the ground.I run over to her and pick her up.Then I see something move but I don't go after it.

"Charlie,John come here Now"I yell

"What is i-what happened here"Charlie said as she got there

"Ya what did happen here"John said as he got there

"We all heard a bang and we saw her on the ground"I said

"Um ok she was fine when she left the room that we were in"Charlie said

Then we brought her back to the part and service room and put her down on the table and I left to go find the figure that I saw.Five mins later I heard something fall and I went to were I heard something fall and I saw a table on its side and nothing else.Then I hear my name being called so I go back over to the part and service room and I go in.

"What is it guys"I asked

"Um her voice box is broken and we can't find another one"Charlie said

"Ok that is not good"I said

"So she can talk every once in a while but most of the time she has static"Charlie said

"Oh ok"I said as I saw Sky/Mangle sit up

"W-w-what......................Charlie"Sky said

"Um you were hit in the back of the head and your voice box brock and we can't fix it"I said

 "Wha-t-t I can....................."Sky said

"Um ok but do you want to stay with Carlton while try to find a voice box is that ok with you Carlton"John said

"Ya mateys it fine with me"Carlton said

"Is it ok with you Sky"John said

"Ya it is ok"Sky said

"Can I go there to"I asked

"Ya matey I love to have you to"Carlton said

Then we hear a door open and we all ran to our spots and the lights came on and I heard footsteps then I see foxy start singing.

"All I wanted was to be on the stage

But I'm living my dreams

From inside of a cage

Don't look away

Don't turn your back

Don't you dare disengage

Joints are rusty

Tank is empty

Now I'm running on rage

All alone on Pirate Cove

It drove me half insane

Even if you'll never hear

I'll sing a cheer to ignore the pain

But I just want to be noticed

I only crave your gaze

But when you look away

From my display

It sends me in a craze

'cause I just want you to notice

I just want everyone to know

But now my heart is dark

My bite is worse than my bark

I just wanna put on a show

I just want to be noticed

I just want to be noticed

I just want to be noticed

I just wanna put on a show

All I wanted was to play in the band

Even if it was challenging

With a hook for a hand...

You never listened

Never bothered

Never looked my way

It's only fair for me to visit you

And make you pay!

All alone on Pirate Cove

It broke my heart in two...

You never came to see me

So now I'm coming to see you

But I just want to be noticed

I only crave your gaze

But when you look away

From my display

It sends me in a craze

And I just want you to notice

I just want everyone to know

But now my heart is dark

My bite is worse than my bark

I just wanna put on a show...

I just want to be noticed

(I just want to be noticed)

I just want to be noticed

(I just want to be noticed)

I just want to be noticed

I just wanna put on a show

I just want to be noticed

I just want to be noticed

I just want to be noticed

I just wanna put on a show

For you By MandoPony"Carlton sang

Five hours later the kids left and I sat up.

"You did good carlton"I said

"Thank you matey now we wait for the lights to turn off las"Carlton said

"W-w-wait I hear something it sounds like 5 people"Sky said

Then we see 5 kids come and were in front of us.

"Um Yarg mateys welcome to pirates cove I am Foxy the pirate foxy and that is Balloon girl and that is my love Mangle the Pirate fox and this is old bonnie"Carlton said

"Hello"I said

"H-h-hi Guys t-t-they are scary"One said

Then we saw some one come out of the shadows.


                                 End of book one


So I am done on this book My next book for this is called Five night at freddy's world.I hope you liked it and bye for now

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