The Assessment Part 2: Nala

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"Are you going to finish that?" Ares asked her, interrupting her thoughts. Nala glanced at the cricket.

"No thank you." Ares ate it for her. With his size, it wasn't surprising. As they took off, she regretted it. Probably fresher than anything else she had ever had. Most food was stale by the time it reached her family's cave palace at the Skarp.

"Let us go." They ascended into the air. Ares slanted upward and flapped upward. Thinking to conserve her strength, Nala decided to fly lower. She wondered how Aurora was going with her assessment. Zarrock had told her that Ares was much stricter than Dule, Aurora's assessor. Dule was a hunter, Pandora's mentor. Zarrock had given them a long briefing on hunters, warriors, assessments, initiation and many other things. Aurora had zoned out, but Nala knew it would be of importance later. A powerful updraft slapped slammed into her and carried her upward, forcing her into a narrow tunnel. Nala tucked her wings in and enjoyed the tailwind. She glided into a high ceilinged cave, so long she couldn't sense the end. Warriors were everywhere. sparring, clearing agility courses and lifting chained rocks. It was the training arena. A huge sandy warrior shouted, "The assessments are beginning! Clear the arena, go to the lower caves!" A huge colony rose and soared into a much larger tunnel than the one she had entered through. A big light gray warrior and a black warrior were putting away the equipment. She realized it was Vikus and his apprentice, what was his name? Liem. She landed beside them.

"Hello Nala! Have you met my apprentice, Liem? Liem, this is Nala."

"Greeting Princess Nala." He said, with the slightest hint of sarcasim. I didn't like this bat, not one bit. The mocking way he treated me.

"Liem, put those away, we must go. Aurora and the other trainees will be here soon." Other trainees? A russett colored bat landed next to Liem.

"Hello Vikus. May I watch the trainees, since Dule is assessing?"

"Yes, but do not interrupt."

"Farewell Pandora." Liem said. He took flight with Vikus. Pandora flew into a box, used to observe many of the games that took place in the arena.

"I'm here!" They looked up in the direction that the voice came from.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2014 ⏰

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