Chapter 9 - An Invitation To The Feast

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The Grand Ballroom of The RMS Majestic, 7 P.M, 81st Day Of Spring

Word of the invitation to dinner in the First Class ballroom spread quickly through the Third Class compartment, and soon a stream of frantic questions was directed Finn's way.

"What do we have to wear?" asked one concerned mother. "My family doesn't have much in the way of the fancy clothes to wear to dinner."

"I'm sure your best outfits will be fine," said Finn.

"What about getting clean!" exclaimed another mother. "We're filthy down here! My children haven't had a real scrub since we set off. I can't have them go up like this!"

Finn considered her question for a moment. The conditions down below deck had been rough, no doubt. Seasickness and other maladies had created quite a stench in the airless compartment Asking these folks to a formal event like a ship's dinner (with its tuxedos and seven courses) was a bit more complex than he had first realized. He asked the guard at the compartment's gate (who had been newly stationed there in the aftermath of The Station Master repeatedly sneaking out) if he might talk to the ship's Head Steward about the problem.

The ship's Head Steward, a dignified man with a crisply starched white collar and impeccably trimmed mustache arrived a few minutes later at the gate and immediately reacted to the strong stench emanating from the compartment. It didn't take Finn much to convince the Head Steward that some action needed to be taken before the evening rolled around.

Within an hour the Head Steward's men arrived with tubs of steaming water and boxes of soap. Following them were the ship's carpenters who quickly assembled privacy partitions for men, women, and families to bath behind. Finn and a few other helpers arranged lines and time limits for bathing. The steward's men stayed to change out the water when it was necessary.

Most confusing to Finn was the small group of Third Class passengers who refused to attend the dinner in the main dining room. "Why would we want to cavort with a bunch of stuck-up rich folks who would not give us the time of day if our pants were on fire, and they had a bucket of water in their hands!" exclaimed one older man. A few other passengers grunted in agreement as they stood before Finn.

Finn took a moment to respond.

"Well, gentlemen, any invitation can be turned down. It's allowed, though I can't see passing up such a fine meal after so many days of eating gruel. I'll see if I can talk the ship's cook into sending down something savory for you good men. But if you change your mind, the scrub line is over there and dinner is at six o clock."

After a few hours of work, there was a decidedly lighter atmosphere in the Third Class compartment. Mothers could be heard singing to their children as they scrubbed away at days (and in some cases) weeks of collected dirt encrusted behind ears in between toes. Old men sang ancient Irish songs as they happily soaked for their five or so allotted minutes of time. Sharply dressed little boys and little girls in their best dresses ran up to Finn and The Station Master to present themselves. One little girl practiced her curtsy for Finn, and he promised her a dance if the chance presented itself that evening.

When Finn was able to sneak away, he returned to the pile of suitcases that he and The Station Master had called "home" for the voyage, and slumped down on his makeshift bed.

"Whew! I can't believe how many details have fallen to me to figure out. If I had known that dinner would cause this level of preparation, I would have asked for something else!"

The Station Master smiled to himself as he lay back on his own bed.

"Oh, aye, young Finn. You stirred up a mighty racket, all right. Any chance we had at passing by unnoticed, has long since jumped overboard. But I can't blame you for wanting to alleviate the misery down here."

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