#3- Blood To Spill (Infiltrator part 1)

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Meaty flesh ran through my sticky fingers as i felt for hard bone. The silver moon kissed my pale face and threw its light over the red lump in front of me. The breeze carried the cold through all the little houses and weaved through the frosty streets.

Finally! My fingers found warm hard bone. My victim stirred, turning to look at me with dark eyes.

"What's goin' on? Where, how did I get out here? What WHAT-" his eyes grew wide as he saw my hand covered in his sickly blood, lodged into his back. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! HELP NO AAAHHHH," he wailed as I rolled my eyes.

"Shhhh," i hushed as the numbing spell wore off.

He shrieked in pain as I wrapped my hand around his spine. His insides were warm, like a freshly slaughtered lamb.


"I said," i tightened my grip on his spine as I felt the bone clusters bend and wriggle, "shh," I ripped out the bony snake as he exploded with agony. Blood dripped from it as I coiled it around his neck.

He croaked his calls for aid as the life oozed out of him. His flabbering mouth splurted out scarlet as I pulled harder. Within seconds his arms stopped flaying and his eyelids fluttered before the coldness of death stole him.

"Took your time," I told the corpse as I wiped my bloody hands on my breeches.

"And you took yours," I spun around to meet eyes with a tall lanky boy. His hair was a chocolate mess atop his head. I gripped the dagger on my belt as he peered at me through his chestnut strands with bright amber eyes. He pulled the half mask off his face to reveal a pointed nose and a mouth that says too much. "Was the spine choking necessary? I mean, seriously, look at your clothes! You've got blood all over your breeches and your hands! Now you can't touch anything white. I suggest staying away from white walls and doors. Actually, a blood handprint would be exciting. You know, like a 'stay out' warning. But really, what was the point of all that?! I know we're assassins and stuff but we don't go to those lengths."

I blinked at him plainly, "You have no place to demand such answers from me, mortal," I ripped out my dagger and in one quick step it was pressing against his throat, "And if you ever call me an assassin or any filthy mortal creature ever again, I'll choke you with your balls and throw you in the stables with a snake."

"Ouch," he squeaked as a hand came launching towards me.

I dodged and swooped around the brown haired boy to face another one, tall and slender with introverted amber eyes and hair like burning coals. His shoulders were slightly hunched and his chin dropped low, through he watched me like a hawk.

"Damon, when did you get here?" The brown haired boy exclaimed. "I thought you were at court."

The boy named 'Damon' glanced at the other and mumbled, "I was let off. Master W-" his eyes suddenly darted back to me and his words jumbled into gibberish and he met my gaze. "Nevermind. Who's she?"

The brown haired boy threw his hands into the air, "This my dear brother, this is our new partner in crime!"

I scowled just as he said it.

"Partners?! " I exploded, "they group me with children?! What do they take me for? A tavern wench?!"

The brown haired boy ran his slender fingers through his tousled hair, "hey, these children have feelings OK?"


I stomped into the wide underground chamber.

"Do you take me for some filthy human girl?!" I exclaimed as two guards moved in to halt me.

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