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Chapter twenty • five!

❞ You are the only cure to my sadness, even though you are also the one who caused it

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You are the only cure to my sadness, even though you are also the one who caused it. ❞

RORY HUFFED — LOOKING AROUND with her big green eyes, her hair flipping everytime she turned.
"Seriously, how insane can you be?"

Rebekah has shown the three how Marcel really is when someone deceives him.

Aurora's blood really started to boil when she found out that he had learned it from Klaus.

"Hey, hey. It's gonna be okay. I mean, you're gonna be all right." Timothy tried to comfort the witch who had the urge to cry.

He was nervously fumbling with a water bottle. "Here. Drink something."

Rory received a knot in her stomach, when davina clenched the bottle in her hand.

"Don't drink it."

Rory squeezed her eyes together and tilted her head to the side.
She tucked a loose piece of hair from her ponytail behind her ear — and leaned on one leg.

"I'm not trusting you right now Tim.  I wanna know why?" She glared.

Timothy was compelled by Klaus to drink from the water and to persuade the young witch  to also take a sip.

They both fainted.

Apparently the hybrid had put poison in it to try to kill them both.

The strawberry blonde's feeling was right.

Of course, she didn't listen.

Not only was she furious at him, but also entirely disappointed.

Aurora had a red head that seemed like it could explode — at any moment.

She was also on the phone with him.

"Aurora, where are you, love?"

"I'm with Davina and Tim, and they are dying because of your denseness!"

"Well, I tried to talk to her, out of respect for Marcel, but she made it quite clear that she is not our friend."

"You got zero respect, Klaus! Just tell me how to help them. Rebekah already gave her blood, vampire blood, it should of healed them inside. Its not!"

"No, it wouldn't. You see, the poison I compelled Timothy to feed her is quite potent. It's just a matter of time for her."

"Both of them you bastard! You could of dealed it differently that doesn't involve killing her."

"There is no dealing with those who threaten us. Davina sealed her fate when she stood against me. This was her choice, not mine."

She stood her ground.

"No, they don't deserve this, and I don't deserve watching two sixteen year old lovers die together, slowly and painfully because of you."

Klaus hanged up when he heard her calm — and angry voice.

Rory pulled her hair and hit the wall with her fist.

Davina and timothy were both unconscious on the floor. Josh, Rebekah and Aurora were all around them on their knees.

Aurora put two fingers on the witch's neck and pressed it a little.
"Her heartbeat is a bit slower. I thinks she is going to be okay."

Rory looked at the young boy. "But I don't think the same for him. I can feel that his body is giving up."

Josh looked at her questionly. "Are you witch?"

"Hell no, I'm a banshee."

Davina woke up, startled.

Josh pulled Davina into a hug with teary eyes.

Aurora nodded at Rebekah, letting her know that Tim died.

It was a blurry memory for her. Davina was screaming the boy she loved his name over and over while she cuddled his dead body — to her chest.

The witch was heartbroken.

The blonde had the brunette in her arms and the strawberry next to her.

They walked in at a quiet pace.

Klaus and Elijah were in the back of the compound and Marcel came speed- walking through another side.

"Is she okay?" He asked, Rory."

"She's devausted, exhausted and heartbroken."

Rory tried to keep her voice normal without it sounding like she was crying. She blinked her tears away.

"Where's her room?" Rebekah asked the dark skinned man.

"No. I got her. I got her." He whispered.

Marcel pulled the witch in his arms, carefully and brought her to her room.

The blonde original and banshee stared at Klaus.

Klaus crossed his arms, uncomfortly and tried to look them in the eye.

Rebekah shaked her head and walked out of the compound.

Aurora's tears spilled out of her eyes. "Why?"

Elijah went to her and gave her a hug.

When he took his arms away, Aurora began to sob. "Are you really evil as everyone says?"

Aurora marched upstairs to her room.

She also felt — heartbroken.


LITTLE ROSE  ➢  K. MIKAELSON  DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now