Ch2What are you doing with the torture device.?

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"Can I at least change part of it?" I asked Tay as she laid out an outfit for tonight. It consisted of a black skater skirt, a red pair of vans and a shirt that said Real men only exist in books

"The skirt is staying." She replied folding her arms over her chest. "And so are the vans. The shirt you can change."

"Thank fuck for that." I sighed in relief as I moved to my suitcase to find a new shirt. "Because that shirt is ugly. Sorry not sorry." After a minute, I found the shirt I was looking for, I also found some suspenders and ran to the bathroom to change, grabbing the skirt from my bunk as I passed. I quickly threw on my Boys? No I prefer Vodka tank top, with the skirt and suspenders, before running out to grab my jewellery and shoes, Tay followed me back into the tiny bathroom, hair curler in on hand and make up bag in the other. "What are you doing with the torture device.?"

"Since you changed the top, I get to do you hair and make up." She smirked evilly, plugging the hair curler on as I gave her my best horrified look.

"I think it is time i go and get Jordan his taco bell." I replied, trying to move past her.

"He already left with the others, to give us time to get ready." Tay smiled, knowing she had won this round. I sighed giving in to her as she turned me around and began to curl my hair while I added my Jewelry and began to do my own make up.

"Tay, AJ come on you sluts!" Mike called through the bus about an hour later. Once Tay finished my hair she ran to get and had just finished her make up. I grabbed my phone and ID from my bunk and followed Tay out the door and into the warm September air.

"About time ladies." Cam smirked throwing an arm around my shoulder as we walked over to the All time low bus.

"Who are these ladies you speak of?" Jordan snorted. "I don't see any ladies here."

"Don't be so rude to Rob, Jordy bear." I shot back. "She looks gorgeous tonight."

"Thanks, sister." Rob replied in a girly voice and smiled, before walking to my free side and wrapping his arms around my waist. I wriggled out of Rob and Cam's grasp and ran the last 10 steps to the bus before kicking on the door. Once I was done attacking the the door, I took a step back so I didn't get hit by it when it opened. The door soon swung open to reveal guitar boy.

"Oh, It is you." I muttered, climbing up the steps and squeezed past him.

"Lovely to see you too." He muttered in return before welcoming everyone else on to the bus.

"Hey pretty girl" Alex winked as he saw me. He was sitting on the left side sofa wearing a fresh pair of skinny jeans and a glamour kills shirt.

"Gaskarth." I responded, sitting next to Jack on the opposite couch.

"Are you always in a bitchy mood?" Alex questioned, leaning forward,closer to me.

"Only when I am around Dickwads like yourself and that one over there."I shrugged and tilted my head towards guitar boy.

"Danny." He responded. "My name is Danny."

"Like I told you earlier. I will write that down in my 'Things I don't give a fuck about' Notebook" I snapped looking over at him. "Now can we please go to the bar? I need whiskey in my system, if I have to hang out with you idiots for the next 3 months"

"I like you." Jack smiled as I stood up next to him, before spinning on my heel and walking off the bus and back into the night.

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