ch8. You are one dead fucktwat, Rian

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I pulled away from Alex, keeping my back facing Danny, I looked at the floor. “What’s up dude?” Alex asked Danny, placing a hand on my arm. Running his fingers up and down my skin. Despite what had just happened 5 seconds before, this all began to feel wrong. I shrugged Alex’s arm off mine as Danny replied.

“Meet and Greet is in 20 minutes” His voice was hard to read, it had hurt, confusion and anger laced through it. Alex moved passed me without a word or gesture which I was surprisingly grateful for, and left the bus.  I slowly turned around once I was sure they were both gone, only to find Danny watching me, his face covered in the exact same emotion I picked up in his voice.

“It wasn’t what it looked like.” Great AJ, you just used the most cliché line in the book. You go girl. I began to my play with my fingers, but didn’t move my eyes from his.

“Look, AJ.” He spoke softly taking a few step towards me. “It is none of my business what you are doing with Alex.” He stopped in front of me, staring intently into my eyes. I was trying to think of a sarcastic remark, however I couldn’t even form a sentence with this gorgeous man in front of me. What was this feeling? The butterflies in my stomach? The loss of words? “But just make sure it is what you want, Ok?” A hint of pain flashed through his eyes, it hurt me to see it. “To be honest, you could do so much bet-” He didn’t finish his sentence because I had a sudden impulse to kiss him, which clearly I acted on.

“I have to go.” I spoke, in rush not even 15 seconds later, before he could stop me, I ran off the bus and back into the venue. I made my way past other crew members and some of the band guys giving them small smiles as they greeted me. Once I got to my work station. I saw a piece of Paper attached to one of the guitars.

“Prank war has began! Kind of not even sorry – Rian” It read, confused, I looked down at the guitar the note had been attached too and saw the strings had been removed, the same had been done to 3 others.

“You are one dead fucktwat Rian.” I muttered to myself, breathing in and out to calm down, before grabbing some of the spare strings and set to work.


It had taken me way too long to get past security and backstage at the venue. I had to avoid various busy employees who were rushing around in a pre-show haze. Merch guys were running around carrying boxes full of an assortment of clothing. If I hadn’t been backstage before I would’ve been run over for sure. Sadly, I was still lost. After wandering around for about 10 minutes, although it felt like an hour, I finally came to a room full of instruments right next to the stage.

“Sophie!!” I heard a voice exclaim. Peering above a case, I saw Amy standing next to a few guitars.

“Hey babe, What’s up?” I asked.

“Not much, how’re you?” It was only then I noticed a slight flush on her face.

“Amy, are you ok?” I questioned, treaded lightly around her knowing something may have been wrong.

“Nothing. Why? Nothing is wrong.” She said quickly.

“Amy you’re blushing babe,” she conspicuously brought her hands up to her face. After a few awkward seconds, in which I did my best to glare at Amy whilst she did her best to look at her feet. “Ok fine, don’t tell me.” She looked up, obviously relieved. Although she would never say it out loud I knew she was thankful that I dropped the subject. I took the opportunity to change the subject, “So what are you doing with those guitars?”

“Oh, well Rian fucked with them so I’m trying to fix them,” She said.

“Need some help?” I asked. She nodded and we went to work. A few minutes into working, I heard a bunch of male voices behind us and froze in my spot. Holy fuck. Standing in front of me was one of my favorite bands in the world. I completely blanked out until I heard Jack say may name.

"You are even more beautiful in person," He said. After a moment looking in each others eyes we both looked away as the boys laughed at Jack and Amy rolled her eyes. On the inside I was freaking the fuck out.

"So what brings you here Sophie?" Alex asked.

"Um, Amy is um my friend?" I said but it came out as more of a question as I stumbled over my words.

"Well, it was nice meeting you but we have to go," Rian said after a few minutes of idle chit chat about how I had met Amy. They started to walk away but Jack turned around.

"Hey, I know that we don’t know each other very well but do you want to go out-"

"Yes!" I interrupted embarrassing myself, and looked down. As an after thought I added "Maybe we could force Alex and Amy to go?"

He quickly agreed, remarking how they would be cute together and we exchanged numbers. He left me in a daze and full of excitement.


Sophie fell silent mid-sentence and turned around, grabbing my arm tightly and gasped quietly. I knew in those sudden movements All time low was behind me. I sighed turning around to introduce them. “Dicksticks this is”

“Sophie.” Jack cut me off smiling, walking over to us, I avoided Alex’s glare and rolled my eyes and how cute Jack and Sophie were being. “You are even more beautiful in person.” Please excuse me while I vomit, I thought to myself, turning back to the guitars.

“AJ!” Sophie squealed, poking my face and breaking my train of thought a few minutes later.

“Sophie!” I squealed back with fake enthusiasim. She half smiled at my attempt before sharing her news.

“Jack asked me out!” She began jumping up and down, and I gave her a proper smile. “You & Alex are going to join us on a double date!”

Wait, what?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2014 ⏰

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