2|Father knows best

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Take my hand, take my whole life too. For I can't help falling in love with you.
My shoulders were gently nudged as the airhostess beckoned for me to depart the plane. I sat up slowly and carefully opened the overhead compartment, hoping my belongings wouldn't crash down on my head like last time. I'm not sure walking into my new school with a giant lump on my face would attract many friends. Or maybe it will give me a badass vibe, to go with my spray paint cans and pill jar.

Once I was threw passport control, I walked through the 'arrivals' corridor. Mother had told me she was sending someone to take me to the school, so I kept my eyes pealed as I looked for my name. When my eyes finally met a piece of paper with 'Sophia Hamilton' scribbled in a black sharpie, my eyes wandered over the person holding it. It was a man with scruffy blond her and porcelain skin. He appeared to have rather large bags under his eyes and wrinkle lines as he squinted looking threw the crowd, probably looking for me. At a guess, I would say he was around 40. I could tell in his youths he would have had the ladies falling at his feet.

I made my way toward him and smiled. "Hi Craig." I stated as his eyes flickered towards me.

"Ahh Sophie," he smiled which took away many years of his appearance, "I was starting to wonder if I had the wrong airport."

"Nah, I just figured if I took too long, maybe you'd leave and tell my mother I never showed." He picked up my bag and headed for the car, whilst a deep rumble emitted from his throat. "At least that way I wouldn't have to be stuck in a school with a bunch of rich kids, who probably have their heads so far up their asś, they can see their tonsils."

Craig starred at me with disapproving look in his eyes. "Firstly, don't swear, its not lady like. Secondly, you a supposed rich kid too," he made air quotes as he said the second bit – seriously who even does that, "and lastly, you can't prejudge these people, you haven't even met them yet. Who knows, you may make some great friends."

Ugh, adults. So naïve. But maybe he did have a point. I can't judge people I haven't even met yet, even if they do go to a school my mother picked out.

I jutted my bottom lid out, "I hate it when you're right," I grumbled. I can tell you now, no teenager - or anyone for that matter – likes to admit they're wrong.

Craig ruffled my hair with his free hand. "Hey, it won't be that bad. Plus if you need a friend, I am just a phone call away and we can get some ice-cream." He said in attempt to make me feel better. I have to admit, it worked.

Craig's worked for my parents for as long as I can remember. Once my dad passed, he basically took me under the wing, becoming a father figure I had lost. He could never replace my actual father; I loved and missed him everyday. But my mother, well that was debatable. Whenever, I needed someone to cheer me up, or just need company of some sort, Craig was always there. I could confide in him about anything, whether it be boy trouble – which I never had. Or homework – which I really hated doing. He was there, threw thick and this and I don't think I could ever truly repay him.

As I looked out the window, I realised we were starting to enter the countryside. The sun created hues of pinks and oranges, contrasting with the vast expanse of green fields that seem to reach out and swirl the colours in the sky. It dawned on me that we were fast approaching my destination. As we turned the corner, a large gate stood several meters in front, with 'Willow Hill Academy' written in calligraphy on a huge plaque.

I turned to Craig with a worried look in my eyes, "is it too late to turn back and go live in the clouds, with the flying pigs?"

He gave me a slight chuckle, "unfortunately so."

Dang it.

Then Satan opened the gates to Hell and Craig drove in. Murderer.
I know it's still quite short but once the story properly gets going the chapters will start to get longer. Let me know your opinions, I'm always aiming to improve. 💕

I'm going to leave you with this fine specimen!

I'm going to leave you with this fine specimen!

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