Three : New Beginnings

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{Venus's POV}

"Where are we going." I ask quietly, staring straight ahead at the road. The big police guy sits to my left and the woman sits to my right.

"Group home." The woman says, looking at her clipboard then at me.

"How long do I have to be there?" I ask, looking at her. 

"As long as needed." She says, no hint of sympathy in her voice.

I stare straight ahead and continue to think about Stefani. She said she would come and get me. Was she telling the truth? Is she going to decide I'm not worth her time anymore? I remember my phone in my back pocket but decide not to mention it in case they try to take it away.

"We're here." The driver says. I look at the big farm style house and my stomach does flips. Who knows how many girls are here and what they are all like. We climb out of the car and walk to the front door. The woman with the clipboard is about to knock when a tall woman with beautiful brown hair opens the door with a big smile on her face.

(Mandy Moore because she looks like a mom lol)

(Mandy Moore because she looks like a mom lol)

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"Hello! I'm Rebecca! But you can call me Ms. Becca or Ms. Tillery! Whichever suits you!" She says, opening her arms for a hug. I reluctantly walk forward and tense up at her touch but as soon as her arms are around me I relax. 

"I'm Venus." I say, shyly. 

"Venus! What a beautiful name! So let me show you to your room, introduce you to some of the girls, and give you a tour of the house!

"Venus! What a beautiful name! So let me show you to your room, introduce you to some of the girls, and give you a tour of the house!

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She led me through the door and began to walk up the stairs. I looked around and then followed. The social worker woman was right behind us. 

"Here's the room you'll be staying in." She says, motioning to a room on the right. 

The room had two sets of bunk beds and a kids bed by the window

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The room had two sets of bunk beds and a kids bed by the window. 

"The open bed is the bottom bunk straight ahead" She says, smiling and guiding me to the bed. She begins to move the ladder in order for me to get a closer look. Its not my room, but its a bed. As Ms. Becca begins to talk about room rules and stuff my mind begins to wander to Gaga again. Will she really be coming for me? I decide not to think about it for too long seeing as theres no guarantee she still is even considering it. She could very easily just go on with her life and not waste her time trying to help me.But after all, she said fan or not, she wanted to help.

"So that's all there is to know about room rules. Any questions, ask your bunk mates. Sara Jessica sleeps above you, Jane sleeps on the bottom of this bunk, Alias sleeps above her and Alias's little sister Kiley sleeps on that kids bed right over there." She says. I nod my head as we walk back down the stairs. I see three girls in the kitchen as we walk in. Two of them smile and laugh and talk to each other while one sits in the corner, playing with the ends of her hair. they all three look up as we walk in. Another little girl, im guessing Kiley, walks in from the other room.

"This is Venus! Alias, Nicole, Kiley, SJ, meet your new sister!" She says, rather enthusiastically. 

"Hi! I'm Alias! This is Kiley, my sister." A beautiful girl says, walking up to me. Her hair is brown and curly and her skin is a caramel color. Her sister, a perfect replica but younger. Behind her, An African American girl waves. "I'm Nicole. Nice to meet you Venus." She says. I'm guessing the other girl is SJ. She just looks up at me and gives a small smile then goes back to what she was doing. 

"Theres two other girls but they had family visits today.  Jane and Katya." Kiley says. I nod.

"Well I'll let you get settled in and then I'll take you on a tour!" Ms. Becca says. Her and the social worker walk into the other room to discuss the details of me staying here and I'm left in the kitchen with a bunch of girls staring at me. 

"Where's the bathroom?" I ask, looking at Alias. She smiles and points down the hall. 

"Down the hall to the left. Third door." 

"Thanks." I say, walking quickly. I lock the door and pull out my phone. I never got Gaga's number so I begin to brainstorm how to reach her. I could tweet her or DM her but the chances of her checking her DM's are slim since fans probably send her messages every day. I decide its my only hope and I go to her instagram profile. I click 'message' and begin typing.

'Gaga...I'm okay. I don't know if you'll see this or not but in case you do, its okay if you don't come get me. I know you're probably busy and have better things to be doing. I should have never dragged you into this. If you've already chosen to just move on with your life and forget about me, don't feel bad. I just want to thank you for what you've already done.'

I hit send, knowing that's probably the last time I'll ever have contact with the woman who saved me.

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