It All Started With A Kiss (BoyxBoy) Chapter 1

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This is dedicated to Amyscence! He's a really cool guy with really good stories and this is my very first BoyxBoy. Enjoy!


"Hey bro. You still coming over today?" Riley asked as we took our seats in class.

"Yeah man. I just have to drop off my sister at her babysitters house and then I should be there at around six-ish." I stated, getting my iPod and then my school supplies out.

"Kay." He said simply. A group of our friends came into class and then instantly rushed us when they saw that we were already there.

"Hey guys!" Josh said. He came out of the group and held out his hand.

"Sup bro." I said back as I slapped his hand.

"Hey." Riley said to him and then slapped his hand. Everybody came around us to greet us and then took their seats. The teacher came in with his usual grumpy attitude and I took that as my cue to put in my earphones and listen to music. Halfway through the fifth song, the earphones were ripped from my ear and I snapped my head up. I hate when people do that shit. It hurts like a bitch.

"What?" I snapped at the teacher.

"Mr. Parkins, you're supposed to be reading chapters six through ten. May I ask why you are interrupting my lesson by listening to your music?" He asked in an angry tone. I smirked up at him

"Me? Interrupting class? What?" I said sarcastically. "I was just sistting quietly in my seat. You're the one who spoke up loudly, interrupting everybody's reading.. Now everybody is listening to this conversation because YOU interrupted..." I finished. Students around me errupted into giggles at my response. His face distorted angrily as he smacked his hand on my desk and pointed to the door.

"Dammit Drew! Go to the offi-"

"Oooooh I'm telling." I said standing up and headed towards the door.

"If you go out that door and say ANYTHING-"

"But he was just following orders Mr. Kale." Riley spoke up and stood next to me.

"Would you also like to speak up Mr. Smith?" He said growing angrier by the second.

"I just did." He said. Riley looked over to me and gave me his Let's-Cause-Hell smirk. I winked at him and turned back to the teacher.

"So are you depressed yet?" I asked casually. He raised his head to the celing and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Depressed about what?" He asked slowly.

"Your receeding hairline. I mean, you only have so much time before you go bald..." I answered.

"Yup, that's true. It may be about time to start wearing wigs. At least they'll make you somewhat look better. And ya' know, you're not getting any younger." He stated.

"ENOUGH! PRINCIPALS OFFICE. NOW!" He screamed and pointed to the door. The whole class burst into full out laughter at his reaction. It went on like that until we left the room. Even going down the halls, we could still hear them laughing.

"God damn kids. Always has something to say." Mr. Kale grumbled to himself as he walked behind us to the office. All the while, me and Riley couldn't stop laughing and giggling at him.

"I'm only thirty-four." He said louder than before, probably speaking to us. We both just shrugged and then laughed again when he started grumbling to himself. When we finally came to the office, we both stood on each side of the door and indicated that we wanted him to go first.

"Go ahead old man." I said quietly as he passed us. He turned to give us bothe dirty stares. We both high-fivied each other and walked into the room. Mr. Kale was already speaking to the principal so we both just stood in the back and watched them talk. After about five minutes of waiting, the principal stood up and looked wearily at us.

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