Chapter 1

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I dont really like my job but hey at least im keeping up with my rent right?...barely.

Im waiting right now for new customers so i can take their orders, wearing black legging and a v- neck t-shirt,leaning on the register counter by my friend Lori.

"Are you just going to stand there looking like there is a stick up your ass, or are you going to be sociable with customers?" Lori asked chuckling.

I just rolled my eyes tapping my index finger on the counter, blowing a piece of hair hanging in front of my eyes. When suddenly the front door opens ringing the bell. Looking up, a lady walks in and sits on a vacant table. She is her around 30's wearing a white skirt that reaches her ankles and a black top looking pretty pissed.

"Ahem" Lori raising her eyebrows. "Earth to Alexis" she says holding the s a bit longer. I sighed, i walked toward the lady.

"Ready to order?" I asked smiling ready to write on a small notebook. "if i did then i would have asked" she snapped. Bitch. "Well this is why we ask our customers because we can't read minds, sorry"I hissed getting in her face. What the hell is wrong with her she should have expected this. "Hoe, you look like someone who got runned over then went rolling on the grass." Oh you prick. "okay well, i will just give you water" "fine, whatever" I went to the kitchen and filled a cup of water striding back to the lady holding my head high. I stand in front of her table and before she could look up, i poured the water on her and slammed the cup down.

"You!" she screamed looking around at the people looking at the commotion. "I feel like a wet dog!! UGH!" I'am jut holding my stomach hurting from laughing too much. My manager came out walking quickly to us, her hair flowing in the air.

"what is going on here?" she asks mainly towards to me. Probably because i have a smirk on my face looking like i just won the lottery-would be nice though.
"Ask her!" the lady says pointing at me."well she was being an ass so i poured cold water on her" i said casually. "In my office now" my manager said sternly. "Bye Bitch" i said walking away towards the office, hearing my manager apologizing.

A couple of minutes later my manager came in looking disappointed. We sat in silence just staring at each other when finally she says,"You're fired. But hey you gotta put your degree in use right?" I expected to be fired but surprised that she still remembers my business degree. "Your not mad?" i asked slowly. She laughs lightly "i understand rude customers but also because i have been waiting for you to quit and put that degree in use" she finishes holding my hand. Damn, she is good. But most of all my degree, i have forgotten about it till now. "The company near us is hiring for an assisstant and i heard its for their hot boss." i smiled at her nodding thinking of shopping for new clothes for it. I have a few for business things but getting more won't hurt, just my bank account.

I went to my apartment after that incident and telling Lori everything. The apartment small but good for a loner like me, it has one bedroom with a bathroom, a small living room and a kitchen that i dont really use.My manager already applied for me for the company she was talking about. I took off my clothes except my bra and underwear of course, and put a black oversized shirt on that went mid thigh that i bought just for sleeping. I set an alarm for tomorrows interview and thought about tomorrow.

Am i goin to get the job? Do i still have the skills? Am i good enough? Why am i still single? wait what...

How was that? i am sorry if the getting interview is too fast. I just want to get to the good stuff. Heheh😅

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