Ch. 1

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No one knows Lumine is a werewolf yet!

Third POV

Lumine was sitting on the sofa in the living room bored, when he saw a magazine on the table. Reaching over and grabbing it, he flipped through the pages for something interesting. After about a minute of searching, he found an article on figure skating.

Interest spiked he started to read through it. At the end was a picture of two male figure skaters, and at the bottom it read,

'Famous figure skating partners Viktor and Yuri, skating together to the song, Love you forever.'

Amazed about the idea of figure skating, Lumine jumped off the couch, magazine in hand, and sprinted off to Kody's room.

When Lumine had reached Kody's room, he was panting hard and out of breath. There was way to many stairs in the house for Lumine's liking.

Standing up completely, he grazed the door with his knuckles, knocking lightly. He didn't receive an answer, so he knocked again, this time a little harder.

Shuffling could be heard on the other side of the door, followed by a groan and the sound of a door opening.

Kody, annoyed by the person knocking, opened the door to see white fluffy ears atop a fluffy white head of hair.

He blushed, realizing it was Lumine, his body guard, his friend......and his crush. Kody stared at the overly happy, but overly shy weredog. (is that how you spell it?)

Lumine looked into Kody's green shining eyes, his own two different colored eyes sparkling about the new information he learned just recently. He shoved the magazine into Kody's face, the article about figure skating open.

Kody, doubling back, grabbed the magazine and looked at what was open. He saw it was about figure skating. Glancing up at Lumine with curiosity, he went back to reading the section.

When finished, he looked at his crush, still somewhat blushing, and gave him a questioning gaze before speaking.

"Soo~, why did you shove this in my face again?"

Lumine was now jumping a bit with happiness. He was ready to explain why he wanted Kody to read it.

"I saw that article, and, and I really wanted to go skating!! And I was thinking you and me could go so you could teach me!"

Lumine looked as if he was going to burst from excitement any second now when he was talking. Kody just stared blankly at the page, cool and collected on the outside, but really he was overly excited on the inside.

'Omg! Lumine asked me to go with him skating! Just the two if us!! That's basically a date! Yes, yes, yes!!!'

Nodding his head in agreement, Kody handed the magazine back and went back into his room. About to close the door, he stops and calls over his shoulder to Lumine.

"Tell me when you want to go. I'll take you, but just not today, ok?"


He completely closed the door, finally letting his blush cover his face. Putting his face in his hands, he shakes his head, not being able to believe he had just done that.

Lumine on the other hand was now practically leaping around the house, spilling gushy happiness all around. If you could see his emotions right now, you would see rainbows with unicorns dancing on them, while glitter was being thrown everywhere and cupcakes just placed randomly. That's how he feels right now.

Almost falling down the stairs, Lumine raced back down into the living room, searching frantically for a calendar to see tomorrow's date.

When found, he saw that it was Monday tomorrow and deflated. He'd have to wait till next weekend before going skating with Kody.

Dragging his feet while going up stairs, he made it to his room, and went in, closing the door behind him. Forgetting his tail was there, the door shut on it, and he yelped loudly.

Kody came out of his room to see the ruckus, and saw Lumine. He slowly walked over, patted his fluffy dog ears in a comforting way, and walked back to his room.

Lumine loved this, so when it was gone he was saddened again. Lumine loved Kody, but he couldn't tell exactly in what way. He knew it was more than a friend and best friend, but not like a brother. This confused him, but he pushed it away.

Grabbing a piece of paper, he wrote the date he wanted to go skating, tapped it next to his bed, and left to go do something productive.

Yay! New story! And this one is also a boyxboy! I'm obsessed!

Okay, but really. This is my knew story based off one of my favorite Webtoon ships, Kody x Lumine from the Webtoon 'Lumine'.

Please check that comic out when you got the time, the creator is amazing at their job.



And bye now!

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