Ch. 3

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Third POV


The next couple days for the two boys went similarly to the first. Along with some changes, like Aiden, Kody's father, had seen them holding hands on the way home, and now won't stop gushing over it.

"OOMGGGGG!!! You two are just sooooooooo adorable together!!! Gahhh, it's just too cute!!"

Aiden had his hands cupped to his own cheeks, smushing his tanned face together to look like a fish.

Kody stared his father straight in the eyes, wondering how he was related to this crazy man. Sighing quietly, Kody rubbed his temple, very annoyed at the situation they were currently in.

Lumine on the other hand, had a face so red it could put Erza's hair to shame. He didn't think anything much of holding hands with Kody. The only thing different, was he would get this warm, tingling, fuzzy feeling in his chest and stomach.

They stood next to each other, but not too close as to make Aiden think something was up. They'd been there for about an hour now, just listening to Aiden go on and on about how cute they are, and that his son was growing up so fast. Finally done with it, Kody gripped Lumine's hand firmly, but gently, and started to pull, dragging him out of the room while Aiden was distracted.

When they had made it far enough away, they let each others hands go, and ran to Kody's room, ready to discuss the plans for going ice skating.

Sitting on his bed, both boys glanced at each other nervously, both getting ready to speak their minds idea.



Their mouths hung open, neither daring to continue for the sake of being polite. Finally, Lumine decided to continue speaking, hoping to get rid of the awkward, and nervous tension that had filled the air.

"So, a-as I was saying before. Um, I think we should go Saturday, since we could get into the rink at a lower price."

He paused, waiting for an answer from Kody, and when he was just about to answer, Lumine quickly threw in a comforting ending.

"B-but! Only if you want to Kody! If not, that's completely fine with me!"

The tension in the room only grew, it was to the point you could probably cut it with a knife.

Lumine looked down, embarrassed that he had cut into Kody's sentence just to say that. 'Maybe I shouldn't have said that at the end. No it will be fine. But what if-' his thoughts were suddenly cut of when Kody started speaking.

"Uh, yeah, sure. We can go Saturday if you like. Just let me make sure I have what I need for then."

Lumine just nodded in agreement awkwardly, trying not to look so awkward,  but again, failing miserably. Kody then nodded to, unsure of what else to do.

They then sat in silence for about a minute, before Lumine broke through it.

"U-uh, yeah. So, um, I'm just, gonna go."

Lumine started to rise, pointing at the door with both hands, and slowly made his way over. Kody jolted up, a bit surprised, as he was somewhat lost in a day dream about the two to them. Nodding his head, he let Lumine leave.

After Lumine had finally gone, Kody fell back on his bed, blushing darkly. The day dream he had was quite nice, but if someone, especially Lumine, were to see what it was, he would die. Remembering it, he blushed darker.

Day dream (yes get a taste of what isn't real)

Kody held Lumine's soft, gloved hand in his own gently, as they glided elegantly across the frozen waters of the lake.

It was completely silent, except for the quiet sounds of metal glazing ice together in pattern.

Carefully, Lumine moved slightly closer to the older brunette, squeezing his hand tighter around the others, intertwining their fingers too.

The skaters slowed, and were almost not moving any longer.

Turning, Kody faced Lumine, gazing deeply into the multicolored eyes of deep blue and sparkling gold. All the while, Lumine stared back, eyes locked on to the entrancing emerald green orbs.

Slowly, they moved closer. Breath could be felt on one another's lips, faces nearly touching.

Their eyes fluttered shut, lips grazing the others, than Kody was dragged back into the real world.

Day dream end (haha, I'm so evil;D)

Just the thought of this again, made Kody want to rush out of bed, and sprint to Lumine, to finish that dream, and finally kiss him.

Kody grabbed his pillow and shoved his face into it, trying to fall asleep, even though it was early. And it worked, because he fell asleep in a matter of minutes.

Now, Lumine was sitting on his bed, in his room, still wondering why Kody had been so out of it while they were in his room together. This continued to bother him for a while, before he just gave up on trying to find an answer.

He gently laid back in his bed, slightly in the midst of awake and sleep. Finally, he fell asleep, thinking and dreaming of Kody, and kisses.


I hope you enjoyed these chapters so far. I feel like I'm rushing them, but at the same time, I feel like I'm not. Weird.

Anycat, I hope you enjoyed my, "almost" kiss scene I made for y'alls. I know, I'm evil.

Ok, again I hope you've been enjoying the chapters and story, so!


And, bye!

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