Ch. 8

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QUICK NOTE!!! -  Yes, I know Lumine is a Werewolf, but nobody else does yet, it explains that later. Everybody good? Good.

Kody and Lumine stared at the brunette witch sitting next to the white haired weredog. But, each for two different reasons, Kody with suspicion within his glare, and Lumine with confusion in his slightly frightened gaze. Calla just smiled back, eyes closed, teeth showing, while she swung her legs lightly.

Turning to Lumine, Calla began to speak flirtatiously, scooting closer to him, moving her hands in such a way to make subtle flirting notions.

Lumine listened to Calla, not wanting to be rude. He was always told, "Two wrongs don't make a right, so be good even when others aren't." And he listened to that rule.

Kody, on the other hand, sat fuming at his desk, watching his boyfriend talk to his bully, who was, in fact, flirting with him. Face red, Kody got up and roughly, but tenderly, grasped Lumine's pale hand in his own tanner one.

Bringing Lumine up from the desk next Calla, he gently pecked his boyfriend's cheek, and intertwined their fingers, glaring at Calla, who was glaring back just as harshly.

Lumine didn't understand what was going on, he was just talking to Calla, when suddenly he was pulled up and given a kiss, which he might add, made him blush lightly.

Calla then smirked, hoping up from the desk, she walked past the two boys, brushing her finger against the white haired boy. Lumine blushed a bit, making Kody even madder than he already was.

Grabbing Lumine's collar, Kody pulled him forward so that they were kissing. Caught in surprise, Lumine froze for a second before melting into the kiss, and bringing his hands and arms to wrap around Kody's waist, while Kody's arms removed themselves from Lumine's shirt collar and around his neck.

Wanting to try something, Kody grazed his tongue across Lumine's bottom lip, making him gasp. Sliding his tongue into the others mouth, he started to explore a bit, taking every inch in.

Getting the hang of what was happening, Lumine pushed Kody's tongue out his mouth and shoved his own into the brunette's, dominance taking over.

Kody blushed, kind of liking the control Lumine was taking, and kissed a bit harsher. Suddenly the bell rang though, and they immediately moved away from each other, panting a bit. Both had bright blushes painted all over their faces.

Kody didn't know exactly why he did that, besides wanting to try it, but he like it, that was for sure. Lumine thought similar thoughts, enjoying the kiss quite a lot, but something was different. During the kiss, a huge wave of dominance came over him, and it was still slightly there.

Wondering what had happened, he decided he would ask Silver when they got home that day. Leaving the classroom, he took one more glance at Kody before making his way out completely.


Walking home, hand in hand, Kody's head on Lumine's shoulder, they make it to the large house. Lumine glanced over to Kody, who just looked back when he felt eyes on him.

Making it to the door, Lumine let go of Kody's hand.

"I'll be back in a second, I have to go talk to Silver real quick."

"Okay, see ya in a bit." Kody quickly pecked Lumine on the cheek before heading up the overly large amount of stairs to his room.

Lumine just wandered off, roaming the house till he ran into Silver.

"Oh, hey Lumine!"

"Hey, Silver. Um, I need to talk to you." Lumine fiddled with his fingers and looked away shyly. Silver studied Lumine for a second before answering.

"Yeah, what do you need?"

"Uh, um, have you ever kissed someone, like French kiss? I think it's called." Silver just laughed at the question. To him Lumine was adorable, kinda like a younger brother.

"Of course! I've kissed many people in the French style! Why do you ask?" He questioned, eyeing Lumine with a smirk playing at his lips. Lumine just blushed, his ears turning a bit pink too.

"W-well, it's just, Kody and I tried French kissing, and some type of feeling came over me. Like dominance, as if I wanted to be in control and never let anyone else take him." Lumine explained, everyone knew they were together because of Aiden spreading it around quickly.

Silver listened, and when Lumine was done talking he thought about it for a minute. Then it clicked.

"It must be a mating thing. Back when, weredog's and werewolf's would find someone and mate with them. The men usually felt dominance when they mated, so they could make sure to let other's know, that this was their mate, and if anyone touched them, they would get their head ripped off. That was then, and it's rare for someone to have that attribute now, so you must be a lucky one." Silver explained.

Lumine just nodded his head, knowing exactly why this was happening, and it wasn't just because he was 'lucky'. It was because he was a werewolf, but no one knew that, only him. Thanking Silver, he headed to Kody's room.

Hello! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!! Also, I've always like the idea of mating and such, so I decided to add it in there, hope your chill with it.

Plus, that kiss scene, hope you liked that too. 😏

Okay, well I got nothing to say, so I'm going!!! Bye!!!

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