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"Hyung?" shouted Hoseok as he stepped into Yoongi's apartment. After a week of no contact, Namjoon, their manager, and he were beginning to worry of Yoongi's health. It was uncommon not to find the rapper-songwriter-producer in his studio but after so many days without any signs of life Hoseok couldn't stay put.

Bottles of cheap alcohol decorated his hyung's once clean floor, the stench of booze lingered in the air, furniture was flipped over and broken, and laying on the cold floor – dangerously close to the end table – was Yoongi's thin frame. The young rapper ran to his friend. He was soaked. His blonde locked clumped together, sticking out at odd angles. Sweat rolled down Yoongi's sickly pale cheek. Without hesitation, Hoseok pulled his phone out his pocket and dialed emergency services.


Jimin sighed as he stared out the glass doors of his apartment building – Jungguk on his hip, both with their school bags on. The forecast called for a clear sunny sky, but, alas, mother nature decided to fuck them over once more. His little one had just gotten over his cold and now he was going to be exposed to horrible conditions, Jimin is sure they'll have a trip to the clinic soon.

With one final sigh, the father-son duo nodded at each other and headed out to school. Jungguk held the umbrella with both hands like the good boy he was, glaring at any man or woman that even dared to look at his Appa. Jimin chuckled softly at his son's antics. Yoongi used to do the same whenever they would go on dates. Like father like son, thought Jimin.

Arriving at Jungguk's school, Jimin walked his son up to the blue large doors and kneeled to be at eye level with him.

"Have a good day, okay? No fighting with the other kids. Remember, if they hit you, tell the teacher and if the teacher does nothing about it, kick their lousy butt, 'kay?" If his brother heard what type of advice he's telling his son, he would never hear the end of it.

"Wit swag?" smiled his little baby bunny, showing off his cut little teeth everyone always cooed over.

"With sway, like abeoji says," laughed Jimin. "Now, Uncle Tae will pick you up on his way home from work, 'kay?" His cheeks puffed out and eyes disappeared as he smiled.

"Yeah," answered the four-year-old with small node. Just as his father is about to stand up, he put his tiny hands on this father's shoulders and looks him right in his eyes. "If ma fwends twalk 'bout their abeojis can I twalk 'bout him, too?"

Jimin's felt his eyes widen but quickly schooled his expression. The past few days all Jungguk has been talking about was Yoongi and how he wanted to see him. He wanted Jimin to tell him stories of when they were little and if he had always liked singing. Obviously, Jimin neglected on telling him stories of how he would sneak the elder into his shared room with Taehyung and kick his brother out for the night.

"Yeah," Jimin cleared his throat as his son's beautiful teacher came out to greet them. "Yeah, you can talk about your abeoji to your friends if you like but they might not believe you." Jungguk gave him his 'I don't understand' look. "Not everyone's Eomeoni or Abeoji is a singer like yours, let alone be on t.v. like Uncle Jin."

"Okay," nodded the four-year-old again. He waved at his Appa as he took his teacher's hand and walked into the building.

Jungguk sighed as he entered the bright classroom. That was what he didn't like about attending school. That and learning anything that had to deal with math. He knows how to count, knows his colors, how to read, how to write, ugh, and sharing!!!!!!! Why does he have to share his things with other people? His Appa didn't share his favorite cup with Uncle Jin or Uncle Tae. Uncle Tae didn't share his strawberries with anyone. Uncle Jin said to never share anything with ugly people because things will go nasty.

Rainy Days: A Yoonmin Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now