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Anthony's POV

I woke up after passing out in an alley and I was shocked. I scrambled to get up and I checked my pockets. My phone and my wallet were still there and I still had my bag of stuff for Hamilton. I had no recollection of picking it up. The problem was that I did recall everything else and I hated myself for it. I slung my bag over my shoulder and stumbled down the sidewalk in my dirty clothes from the alley. I still had no clue where I was and I was starving. I saw a nearby McDonald's and I walked in. I got a lunch meal because apparently I slept too late for the breakfast. There were also phone chargers at the tables so I used one of them to charge my phone. I saw loads of messages from Jasmine and a few from Lin that came in after my phone turned off which means they wouldn't have sent until now.

Jasmine- Hey Ant I got your note. I'm so sorry for everything I said. Please come back I need you here please. I love you xx

Jasmine- Anthony please... I know I messed up and I know I said things I didn't mean. I'll fully understand if you don't want me back but please just reply to me. I still love you xx

Jasmine- Ant please, as soon as you get this reply to me. We're all worried sick about you. Lin thinks you've blocked him, not sure why but pls we need you home and safe. I'm still here for you if you want me. Yes, I still love you xx

Jasmine- Sorry I'm going to bed now. I feel horrible still. I've been throwing up constantly and head hurts. I don't want you catching whatever I've got. Come home if you want but maybe go to Lin's instead? It shouldn't be too far away but then again I don't know where you are. Love u xx

Jasmine- Hey I still haven't heard from you. You're normally awake by this time. Please tell me you're ok. Lin has cancelled rehearsals today because you're not here. We've got a few people out looking for you. If you see them, please go up to the,. Everyone's worried about you Ant. Still loving you xx

Jasmine- I really need to tell you something. Like I really need to tell you something. If you've fallen out with me, please just come home for this. Or contact Renee if you don't want to talk to me. Just please come home. You need to know. Questioning everything, Jas x

I read the last text highly confused. "Why did she end all the other ones with 'love you' and two kisses but the last one didn't end that way? I got really confused but I decided to reply anyway.

Me- Hey Jas, look I'm sorry. My phone died last night so I couldn't text you but I'm fine now. I'm heading back home now. I do still love you too -Ant 💕

I put my phone away, ate my lunch/breakfast and called a taxi back to my apartment. I had just enough to pay the guy and I walked into the apartment and used the keys that I kept in my bag to unlock the door. When I opened it, I heard the sounds of someone throwing up. I figured it must be Jasmine and I wanted to go comfort her but incase she thought it was invasive or thought I was disgusting because of my clothes, I decided against it and went and got changed. Just as I walked out of our bedroom, I heard the toilet flush and Jasmine walked out. She looked terrible. Her eyes had heavy bags underneath them, she seemed paler than usual and her eyes looked lifeless. "Jas! Oh my god I'm so sorry I ever left you" I said and ran up to her and gave her a hug. She hugged back, weakly and then she kissed me on the cheek. We pulled away from each other and I said "What's wrong Jas? You don't look well at all". "Actually that's what I need to tell you" Jasmine said and she walked into the living room. I followed her and she gestured for me to sit down, so I did.

"So... what's the special news?" I asked excited but nervous. "Well, do you remember what happened at the Broadway party?" She asked me. "Yeah... I do... why?" I asked in response. "No, no, I mean do you remember the whole party?" She asked. Now that I thought about it, I didn't really remember part of it. "Well I mean I remember whipping my tie at Oak and Daveed and then Oak whipped his at you and you fell over Jonathon and dragged me to the Disable toilet and then we shouted and each other" I said. "And then..." Jasmine carried on. "And then.... and then.... and then I pushed yo-" I began and then I stopped myself. I stopped looking at Jasmine and then I looked down at my lap. "Oh. I'm sorry Jas. Maybe I just shouldn't get drunk again. It will stop that from ever happening again. I know how much you didn't like it and-" I rambled before being interrupted by Jasmine, "No, no. I was fine with it then. In fact, it wasn't that bad" Jas began. I blushed and then ashamedly looked back down at the ground remembering the events of the previous night. "What I'm trying to say is... something happened that night and now I don't know what to do" Jas said and started fidgeting with her hands. I looked back up at her and narrowed my eyes, questioning her. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I-I I think I'm... pregnant" Jasmine said. My face dropped. My mouth hung wide open, my eyes widened and my heart dropped. "W-what?" I asked, wanting to make sure this wasn't a dream. "I said I'm pregnant. With your child Anthony" Jasmine repeated. "No, no no no no. This can't be. I'm too young to be a dad! God, I'm only 24. I'm not even married and my mom will disown me and I-I don't know how to look after a child" I said and I stood up and paced around the room. "Yeah exactly. I'm only 26. My parents will flip if I tell them I'm pregnant. I'm not married... I'm not ready to have a child... I don't want any of this. I didn't ask for any of this" Jasmine said and she broke down in tears. I looked up at her after pacing around. "Um... I don't know what we should do" I said as I made my way over to Jasmine. "I can't get rid of it Anthony... people will say things and I really don't need anyone else speculating a thing" Jasmine said. "I mean, are you sure I'm the dad? Don't you think there a tiny chance that someone else could be the father?"I asked, not wanting Jas to say yes but wanting Jas to say no either. "Ant! Do you think I'm some sort of whore or something? I'll just sleep with random men while I'm seeing you? Please don't think that of me. I'd never do that to you" Jas replied. This made the guilt build up inside me about last night. I couldn't possibly tell her about it. Especially not with a baby on the way. I just decided to keep quiet about it for now.

"No of course not! I wouldn't say that about you but I just don't believe that I could be the dad. I've made mistakes in the past but none are as bad as this. I'm really sorry Jas, it's all my fault I guess" I said. "No it isn't. It's partly mine for letting it happen in the first place and not controlling it" Jas sighed. I wrapped my arms around her and turned her head towards mine. "I'm sure we will be fine. Maybe we're just overthinking it and this will be easy? Ok maybe not but I don't think we should beat ourselves up about it. Think about it, we made a life. How cool is that?" I said. "It's pretty cool I guess"Jasmine said. I leaned in to kiss her and she kissed me back. That kiss was like the stitches sewing our relationship back together. It seemed to fix all the problems and it was as if I didn't have a guilt weighing me down for a second. My shoulders felt light and free instead of being weighed down like before and I felt the sparks again. The sparks that I first felt when we got together. I never wanted the moment to end so I took it one step further and slipped my tongue in. Jas pushed me away at that point. "No thank you. Not when we have this little one to be expecting" she said. "Wait so does that mean... that we can't... for nine months?" I asked. "Yes Anthony. No sex for 9 months. Shouldn't be too hard now, should it?" Jas asked with a giggle. I groaned. "Ugh... why can't we just skip time?" I said as I flopped down on the sofa. Jasmine laughed and rubbed my back. This continued for about 10 minutes in a comfortable silence until Jas spoke up saying, "Well I gotta go tell everyone that you're back". "Are you telling them the news?" I asked, getting up again. "No of course not. I'll wait a while"she said and got up and left the room to make some phone calls. I fell asleep on the sofa after I didn't get much sleep the previous night.

1641 Words

Well there you go. This wasn't as depressing this time. Anthony still feels guilty about sleeping with that woman though, what will come of that? Who knows except me? No one. Mwahahaha


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