Tag, You're It... (Part 1)

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"Looking at me through your window. Boy, you had your eye out for a little..."

Devyn ran through the factory. She was nearing the doors. The masked man who took her friends chased her. She could hear her friends calling her name, but she couldn't turn around and go back to them, for the Evil man stood between her and her friends.

""I'll cut you up and make you dinner. You've reached the end, you are the winner"..."

He maniacally laughed. "Do you think you can win, Devyn? You aren't anything without your friends help."

She cried but kept running. She neared the doors.

"Running through the parking lot, he chased me and he wouldn't stop. Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it..."

Se ran out into the parking lot. She noticed the cars. It was dark, but she found them. She opened the car she rode in. She had forgot her phone. Everyone else's had been smashed, but hers worked as it hadn't been discovered.

She jumped in the car. It was unlocked, but she didn't have keys to start it. She unlocked her phone and began to text Jake and Gabby. Elton and Amanda were going to move out soon to have more room for Send It! merch. Jake Webber and his girlfriend, Gabby LeBlanc were going to move into their stead.

She began to type the text.

"Grabbed my hand, pushed me down, took the words right out my mouth. Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it..."

She was snatched out of the car by the man. He smashed her phone. "No! Please let me go!"

"No. I'm going to make sure you and your friends rot in this hell hole," he said. Devyn could sense the smirk. "None if you are going to make it out alive. Back to the basement for all of you."

"Can anybody hear me? I'm hidden under ground. Can anybody hear me? Am I talking to myself Saying, "Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it."
He's saying, "Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it."..."

(Hope you liked this chapter. It was different obviously. I'm sorry it's short, but part 2 will be out soon, I promise! Thanks!)

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