Sex, Drugs, and Coco Puffs (3)

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xoxo Natasha <3

"Thanks Tom." I said, waving to Tom. "I'll see you tomorrow."

I got off the bus, and walked with my head down to my house. I quickly got my key out and opened the door, wanting to be out of the cold.

"Mom, Dad?!" I yelled. "I'm home."

"In the living room, Brianna." my dad called to me.

I took off my shoes, and coat, and walked into the living room. When I walked in, my head was down because I was having trouble taking off my scarf. When I looked up, not only were my parents in the room, but so was Bethany.

"Hey little sis." she said smiling.

"Bethany!" I yelled, I ran over to her and hugged her tightly. "When did you get here? Why are you here? Oh, it's good to see you."

She looked good, her hair was still the same. It was like mine, brunette, with natural blond highlights, her eyes were blue. And she was skinnier, not scary thin, she looked good.

"It's good to see you too Bree." she said, using the nickname she had given me as a child. "I got here about two hours ago. I had to come see you, I missed you, and mom had called me; she was ranting about me asking you to live with me."

"I wasn't ranting Bethany." my mom said. "I simply, said that you weren't...mature enough to take care of a seventeen year old, and that you shouldn't have gotten her hopes up about being able to live with you."

Bethany gave me a look that said she and mom had just been discussing it.

"As I told you over the phone mom," Bethany said slowly. "I've been on my own for about five years now, I have asked you for money maybe twice, and I am more than capable of taking care of her. I did before and nothing ever happened to her. Besides from what she's told me, you guys have made sure that she is nothing like how I was when I was a teenager. She is responsible enough to know what is right and wrong, and what to stay away from; and I would never put her into danger, I love her too much."

"No, absolutely not." mom argued. "I will not have my baby girl across the country, where I can't keep an eye on her."

"Mom, think about it," I said, talking for the first time. I had sat down at Bethany's knees, and she was stroking my head, knowing that I didn't like going against what my parents said, I was always trying to give people what they wanted. "You and daddy are always traveling, it wouldn't be that much different. The only difference would be that when you came home, I wouldn't be here."

"But...but." she looked at my dad, silently asking for help.

"Dear," he said, looking at my mom. "You know the girls are right. Brianna is responsible enough to know what is right or wrong. Bethany won't let anything happen to Brianna, and you told me Brianna doesn't like being here alone. It is kind of creepy, before she had a nanny with her, she was never alone. But now we always leave her alone, and that is something I don't like."

My mom sighed, she knew that she wasn't going to win this one. "Fine, fine, she can live with you. But I want to know what school she is going to and I want to know the marks that she is getting. If anything goes wrong, you're coming back here immediately, and if you ever want to come back, the door is always open." she said smiling weakly.

"Thank you mom." I said, getting up to hug her.

"Come on Bree." Bethany squealed. "We have packing to do."

She took my hand, and lead me to my room. I opened the door, and she gasped.

"Oh my, did you draw all of these?" she asked, looking at all the paintings, and drawing on my walls. "They're incredible."

"Yeah I did." I said blushing. "And thanks."

Mom and dad came in after a while with boxes, and then told us that they were leaving to get Chinese. We told them what we wanted, and went back to packing.

"You haven't changed much of anything in this room since I left have you?" Bethany asked me.

I shook my head. I didn't want to lose anything that reminded me of her, I had missed her a lot. When she left, I had no one. She had always been the outgoing one, her friends had been my friends, and when she graduated, so did they.

"I'm sorry."

I looked up, we had been packing for an hour and a half. Mom and dad still weren't back. "Why? What did you do?"

"It's my fault that you're like this," she said. "that mom and dad are so strict with you. If I hadn't been so wild when I was in high school, you could have fun. And don't try saying that you are having fun, I've read your emails, you always try to make it seem like you don't care that you can't go to parties, and dances, but I know it's eating at you."

"I'll admit it does kind of suck." I confessed. "But don't think it's your fault. I could have done all those things if I wanted, but I decided to skip out on them too. I could have gone to the dance or a party, but I chose not to. Plus, I would have just gotten teased if I had gone to any of those things. Tula and her crew go to all of them."

"Tula?" she asked. "You mean that scrawny, black haired girl? The one that was making fun of your outfit that one time? She still teases you?"

"Yeah, we're in the same grade, and we have gym and English together."

"Well," Bethany said, getting a look that always scared me in her eyes. "It's a good thing that we need to withdraw you from Jackson High tomorrow. I've missed Tula, and I want to her."

I felt my forehead, get the worry lines that Bethany always teased me about. "Please don't do anything Bethany."

"I promise nothing." she declared. "And when we get to Manhattan, if someone calls for 'Taylor' it's for me."

I looked at her confused. "Okay, I'll try to remember that. Why do people call you by your middle name?"

"I dunno, everyone at my modeling agency started calling me that."

"But it's okay if I still call you Banana, right?" I asked with a shy smile. It was the nickname I had given her when I was three, because I couldn't pronounce Bethany.

She laughed. "Yeah, it's okay Bree."

"I missed this." Bethany whispered as we lay side by side in the beds. "Remember when we used to have our own little sleep overs?"

I giggled. "Yeah, and when we picked the movies, you never complained about my watching Cinderella twenty times, and we would always have that chocolate, peanut butter, skittle thing. It was weird, but it always tasted great."

We laughed together, remember the old days.

"We'll do more of that when you come to New York with me. I promise." she said.

"Tell me about it?" I begged. "What is it like?"

"Oh Bree, you'll love it." she gushed. "It will take a while, but you'll get used to the weather. It's cold, right now, so most of your clothes won't be good for now. But we'll go out and buy you winter stuff. The city is always running, no matter the time, or day, something is going on.

"And you will love my place. It is huge, it's a condominium. It is so nice, and huge. I got it for a great price, my friends dad owns the place, and he gave me a great deal. I still have to pay a monthly fee, for utilities and things, but it's okay." in the midst of explaining I fell asleep. I really couldn't wait to go with her.

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