Sex, Drugs, and Coco Puffs (5)

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xoxo Natasha <3

"You will love Manhattan!" Bethany gushed to me.

Our flight from California to New York was about a six hour flight. I hated flying, it always scared me, I like being on the ground, where I can see everything that is coming at me. But up in the air, you could be hit by a cloud, and the plane will come crashing down.

"Bethany," I groaned. "I know I'll love it, but can you please stop talking? You know I hate to fly, and I just want to make sure that I don't throw up."

Bethany chuckled. "Okay, Bree. But remember, when we land we need to unpack everything, and then you can go to sleep."

"Okay." I mumbled.

I leaned against Bethany, closing my eyes. I tried to think of happy thoughts, but none would come. So I just listened to the rhythm of Bethany's breathing and the rhythm of the comforting strokes she was using on my head

"This is where you live?" I asked dumbfounded as we walked into her building. "This place is huge."

"Yup, and it only cost me $500,700. Normally it would cost at least a million, but like I said, my friends dad owns the place. And it's about $450 a month for maintenance and stuff"

She lead me up to the elevator, most of my things had been sent here yesterday. We sent the express, so they should already be in the apartment. If you could call it that.

Bethany showed me around the place, it was huge. She had the master bedroom, obviously, she said that I could come in here at anytime, and I could borrow clothes from her closet at anytime. She showed me the office, she said I could use this place anytime too. But the office was more like an art studio, with a computer and printer. She saved my room for last.

"Okay, so you know how I had asked you weeks before if you wanted to come and live with me?" Bethany asked me as we stood outside my door.

I nodded.

"Well, I wasn't sure if mom would actually agree, but I went on and decorated it anyways. I remembered that your favorite color was purple, and you were into the Feng Shui stuff, so I got my friend, who is a interior designer, to do this for me." she leaned in, and opened the door.

It was beautiful, and she even put up the painting I had made for her years ago, it was purple and white. She said that she hadn't put it up yet because she couldn't figure out where to put it. But I guess she finally found where to put it.

"Bethany, it's awesome." I said in awe. "But how is this room so big? It's just a little smaller than the master, not that I'm complaining."

"This used to be five bedrooms, two masters and three smaller ones. One is the office/studio and I knocked down the walls of the other two bedrooms to make these ones larger. Well, stop looking, we need to get you unpacked."

Someone in the building had brought the shipped boxes up to my room, so all we had to do was unpack. Two hours later, we had finished, and the room actually looked like mine. My drawings were up, and so were my paintings. I put what little make-up I had and my toiletries into my bathroom, and my clothes into my closet.

I looked around my room, admiring it again, while Bethany was in the other room taking a call.

"Brianna!" She called from the living room.

I walked out of my room, and into the living room.


"I have to go out. There's a party for the Betsy Johnson models, and I need to be there. Will you be okay here for the night? I will only be gone for a couple hours." she explained. It was obvious that she didn't want to leave me here alone on my first night in the city.

"I'll be fine. I'll order a pizza or go out to McDonalds, if I get hungry." I assured her, she looked worried. "I'll ask the doorman for directions, I can remember this address, and anyways, mom and dad left me alone a lot, I'm okay on my own Banana, you don't need to worry." I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Okay, well I'm going to go and get ready." she said.

Bethany had been gone for about an hour, when I had gotten hungry. I hadn't eaten on the plane, in fear of throwing up, so I ordered a pizza from Dominio's.

I had just settled onto the couch, and was watching 'Hannah Montana' when I heard a knock on the door. I got up and ran to the door, and threw it open. I expected to see a guy in a red or blue uniform, instead there was a guy jeans, and a leather jacket. He had a helmet in one hand, and my pizza in the other.

"Um, are you the delivery guy?" I asked confused.

He smirked at me like it was cute that I would ask that question. "No, I'm your sort of neighbor. You gave the pizza guy the wrong number, and he sent it to me."

"Oh, sorry." I said, reaching for my pizza, but he kept it out of my reach. I tried again, but he moved so I couldn't get it. "Are you going to give me my pizza?"

"Yeah, but you owe me. I had to pay him, so you owe me $15.34. Also the tip, so that's the money, and a kiss."

I had never met anyone so blunt. "How about I'll just give you the money, and you give me my pizza." He was about to say something, and I stopped him. "No, that wasn't a suggestion, I was telling you what is going to happen."

"Feisty, I like that." He said as I went over to the counter where the money was.

"Here's the money, and do you know how clique that line was?" I asked him handing him the money.

"Yeah, so where's Taylor?"

"...who's Taylor?" I asked. Wait a minute. "Oh, you mean Bethany?"


"She went to a party." I told mystery man. "If you're looking for her, she won't be back for a few hours."

"What's your name?" he asked me.

"I'm not going to tell you that," I told him. "I don't even know you."

"Well, my name is Wes Knightly."

"It was very nice to meet you Wes, but I must go, I don't like to talk to strangers." I closed the door in his face. I went back to sit on the couch, and ate my pizza. But when I opened it three slices were missing.

"What the heck!?" I yelled.

Oh, I was going to hurt that Wes Knightly.

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