Christmas Shopping

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Holy kriff it's been a while since I posted a new part. I apologize for that. Enjoy!

The Ghost landed on Coruscant and the ramp lowered. The crew descended from the ship, looking around at the vast landscape.

"Okay, everyone" Hera said pulling out a small satchel.

"Remember what we talked about. The budget is fifteen credits each."

As the Twe'lik said this, she handed around the money.

"No going crazy, we meet back here in an hour and a half."

They all nodded and set off for the shops.

Ezra hummed as he looked through the markets. Eyes skimming left and right. However, as he passed a certain stall, he stopped and turned to look again. On display was a robotic leg, almost the exact same one that Chopper had stolen a year ago. Taking a quick look at the price tag, Ezra felt immensely relieved when it said fourteen credits. Entering the shop, he went to the owner to talk about the leg.

Kanan and Chopper strolled around the markets with the droid telling Kanan everything that the crew might fancy. Kanan shook his head to almost every single option. Nothing seemed right to him. Then Chopper warbled something making Kanan stop short.

"Woah woah woah, hang on, back up Chop. What was that again?" Kanan asked.

Chopper beeped.

"No no, after that."

Chopper warbled again.

"Where is it?"

Chopper warbled and took Kanan's hand, pulling him towards the store.

Hera sighed as she continued to walk down the roads of Coruscant. Trying to find the prefect gifts for her crew, her family. She spent half an hour before finding the first one. A new range of explosives for Sabine. Hera knew as soon as she saw them, they were perfect. After paying, she left the store. One down, four to go.

Sabine frowned as she examined a light brown, leather jacket. Could she see Kanan or Hera wearing this? No. Not really. She put it back on the rack and looked at a denim blue one with brown on the sleeves. Now this she could see Hera wearing. With a nod of satisfaction, Sabine went to pay for it.

Zeb had always found shopping for others difficult. However, on Christmas, things became a little easier. Mainly because a completely new variety of things are in stock. Zeb picked up a pack of hair ties and snorted to himself when he thought of Kanan.

'Nah' he thought.

'He probably has enough.'

Zeb continued to scan the shelves before finally finding something good. Kanan had always said how he wanted a new shoulder bag, and right now, Zeb was looking at the perfect one. Checking its price, he picked it up and went to the owner of the shop.

About an hour and forty minutes later, the crew met up at the Ghost. Some of the members had more bags then others.

"Ready to go?" Hera asked.

The group nodded and they went up the ramp. A few moments passed before the Ghost's engines fired up. The ship took off into the sky, quickly becoming invisible in the clouds.

Please give me some suggestions. My brain is literally fried with some of the Summer heat I've had to endure.

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐉

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