Jan 26

36 3 2

Friday again (quote from slau).

Nothing much really, just a normal day :)

Orrrr we can say today marks one week and one day of the thing that happened but no one wants to talk about it so. *Shrugs*

I'm on the mtr right now, bored and typing this.

We had volleyball in PE today and my arm died while Raichu was very good at it :P well, thank the martial arts training, I guess ^^

In VA we are learning tesselation which is annoying. But it is pretty cool, considering we were shown a pikachu! (Kind of)

In form period we became drunk again XD and I slammed my hand on the table super hard making the person next to me... Uh... How do we describe that face she made? (Insert overused joke)

The drunk trio is very drunk every day.

And yeah I'm most probably going to badminton later, Raichu_Pika you win -_- (btw hi frisk)

I'm learning how to draw Temdreas.

Bye. I have no more to say.

Which story should I update? And which one do you like best?

1. The Call 2. LM/H Random 3. TCU

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