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Reading list submissions
If you would like to have one of your own stories featured in our reading lists, consider the following:
• Pay attention to your grammar and spelling to make sure that your story is understandable and accessible.
• Keep your content appropriate for the target age group of your story. Respect the Wattpad guidelines.
• Provide complete story information as we like to showcase stories with clear descriptions, relevant tags, and inspired cover art. Completed stories are preferred by a young audience.
• Stay positive and be kind as we respect writers who respect the Wattpad community.
If you're happy that your story satisfies all of the above, please submit your story using the submission form.
If you read a wonderful children's story of another author and can't find it on our lists (where it obviously belongs), use the same submission form to tell us about it.
Please be aware that not all stories will be included.
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Children's Fiction Guidebook
RandomAll the relevant information on the Children's Fiction profile: Who are we? What can we offer? Which age groups do we cater for? Which languages do we support?