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"Hello everyone! My name is Blanca Perez and this is my life

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"Hello everyone! My name is Blanca Perez and this is my life."

[intro plays]

"For today's video I asked you to send in your questions using the hashtag BlancaBabbles. Y'all know how this works. I flash the question up on the screen and answer it - sometimes going into a rant. Let's get into it!"

@blancasdwarf: Have you been keeping up with your resolution? #BlancaBabbles

"In case you didn't see my last video of 2017, I made one resolution. It was to take care of myself. Spiritually, mentally, physically. I've been doing pretty good about it so far - I mean we aren't even a month into 2018, but still. I feel a lot more me."

@snowwhiteordie: What show are you binge watching right now? #BlancaBabbles

"There are sooooo many good shows! Right now, though, I am in love with both the Good Place and the Gifted! They are my favorite. Like the Good Place makes me laugh so hard and the Gifted makes me so stressed - it's the best."

@hollander4life: Are you gay? #BlancaBabbles

"No, I'm bi. Boys and girls are both beautiful."

@blancaballinger: What are you excited for this year? #BlancaBabbles

"GUYS! This year is going to be amazing! As always, I can't say anything on a couple of the projects. BUT, you did just see a preview of a project that I partnered with Marvel Studios to do - best thing that's happened to me. The Unholy Trinity is also planning a couple different trips together and it's going to be fun as hell. And then I'm really excited about all the movies that are coming out this year - all my money is going to spent at the movies if I'm honest."

@sugglifeornolife: Guilty pleasure? #BlancaBabbles

"I know a lot of people find her problematic, but I listen to Taylor Swift's reputation every day without fail. Keeping Up With the Kardashians is also up there. Oh and Mob Wives - I live for those women."

@lovatojonas: Next concert? #BlancaBabbles

"FREAKING JACKSON AND LUKE BROUGHT ME DEMI LOVATO TICKETS AND I AM LIVING. Guys, have you heard her new album? It's a masterpiece and it deserved a Grammy nomination and I will fight anyone who says otherwise."

@hollandgirl: What is the meaning behind your YouTube channel name and your @ on twitter? #BlancaBabbles

"Blanca Babbles comes from the fact that I never shut up. I talk way too much - which was one of the reasons I started this channel. I get to talk as much as I want without being told to shut up. Blanca Nieves is Spanish for Snow White - a play on my name and also one of my favorite princess growing up."

@luksontrash: How is your anxiety? #BlancaBabbles

"I mean it's not as bad as it was in the sense that I have better ways of coping with it. But it is still bad in the sense that when I do have panics attacks they aren't small ones. But it's all about celebrating the small things with anxiety. Like yesterday I was able to actually stand in line at the store and not feel any sort of anxiety. I was really proud of myself. That sounds like nothing to some people, but that's a big deal for me."

@blancafan: When are you getting married? #BlancaBabbles

"Well first I need to find someone and trick them to date me before I trick them into marrying me. I've always wanted to get married young - as in by 25 I'm definitely married already. But as I have no one even close to wanting to date me and I'm about to be 21 - it might be after 25. Or I might marry someone random next week, you never know."

@blanca_holland: Favorite Disney Channel era? #BlancaBabbles

"Nothing will ever compare to the OGs, Hillary Duff and Raven. But do y'all remember all the drama that happened from 2008 on. The Jonas Brothers fandom was divided between Niley and Nelena. There were no friends there. Then Send It On came out and Niley shippers were like 'See even Disney knows Niley is the real deal'. Then Kevin wore his Team Demi and Selena shirt out. I was living my best life."

"Those are all the questions I'm gonna answer for today. If you are new and want to see more of me, my previous sit down video and vlog will be right there and linked in the description box below along with all my social media. See you on Friday loves!"

[outro plays]

I wanted y'all to get to know Blanca more, because I'm kinda obsessed with her to be honest.

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