33 | Real Life

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"Happy birthday!" Alex and Lauren yelled when they entered the family room of Blanca's house. YouTubers galore filled the room, each with their drink of choice in hand. Blanca smiled and hugged Alex and Lauren as a thank you.

She pulled them over to where the makeshift bar was, "You guys can grab a drink if you want. Or you can wait until later, whatever floats your boat. Also, if you want to drink but you were assigned designated driver, you can just crash here." She handed them each a red solo cup and smiled.

"I'm glad I know you well enough that this is you sober and I am excited to see you drunk if I am being honest." Lauren laughed as she started making herself a drink.

Alex poured rum into his cup and nodded, "We'll probably take you up on the offer to stay here." He finished making his drink, "Where do we put your gift B?"

"Dining room table fam," Blanca responded, pointing to the adjacent room. "Thank you guys! Ya'll didn't have to get me anything."

Alex moved over to the dining room and placed the present box on top of the gift pile and the three of them moved back into the family room with the rest of their friends. Random conversations were taking place all over the room and Blanca couldn't imagine anything better than this moment. She was surrounded by people that she loved and they were all about to get drunk off their asses - it was the best birthday gift Blanca could have given herself.

"Excuse me everyone," Luke announced while handing out shots to everyone with Jax's help, "tonight is a very special night. The baby of our friend group is finally turning 21. And while we all know this isn't her first drink, this is her first legal drink - so let's make it a night to remember. Blanca, thank you for being an amazing friend, woman, and person. You're one of the good ones. Here's to you."

"To Blanca," Everyone echoed around the room and clinked their shot glasses together before taking it.

It was an hour later and Blanca was well into her third drink, not including the shots that she was taking with every person that asked her to. Dancing was happening to the playlist that Jax had spent the entire week creating, everyone was drinking and enjoying the night. In the middle of Blanca, Joey Graceffa and Connor having a three way dance off to whatever song was playing, the doorbell rang. This caused Blanca to jump and let out a small yelp and everyone to laugh at her.

"I'll get it!" Jax yelled, running towards the front door. Blanca looked around the room: everyone who she had invited was in the room already. Or at least she thought so, she was drunk enough to not be certain. A few moments later, Jax walked back in with two people she thought she knew. "Look who came to celebrate you."

Blanca's eyes finally were able to focus and her mind comprehend, her birthday was suddenly made even better than she ever thought possible. "Tom!" She ran, or at least she thought she was running, she was definitely drunk girl stumbling. When she reached Tom, she threw her arms around his neck and placed a kiss on his cheek. "You're here! And it's my birthday, this is the best day of my life."

"I'm gonna say the alcohol is causing you to be more forward than you actually are." Tom laughed, his hands placed at the small of her back while the two moved out of the hug but still hung on to each other. "Happy birthday love."

"Thank you so much," Blanca smiled, "I think you are right - I don't remember how much I've had to drink. That's probably not a good sign. Do you want a shot?"

"I think I'm gonna stick to a beer," Tom said, "I want to make sure you're good."

Blanca laughed, "Such a gentleman, every girl's dream." She finally looked over to Harrison and gasped, "Haz, you're here too. This is really the best birthday ever." Blanca pulled away from Tom and kissed Harrison on the cheek. "Let me introduce you to everyone."

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