Chapter 1

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"OI, CHOI JINRI!” Sandeul shouted from across the field, calling out her real name. He was with Jinyoung, and she was about to run to the opposite side when Baro caught her.

She struggled full force when Sandeul and Jinyoung finally ran over to them. Baro was still holding her captive when Sandeul ruffled her hair. “Whoa, Baro came just in time!” He teased.

“Sandeul, stop ruffling her hair, she looks like a lion.” Jinyoung commented and she casted him a glare. Truthfully, before Baekhyun messed with her heart, Jinyoung was the one reigning as the king. Fortunately, Baekhyun came and stole it.

“Shut up, Jinyoung.” Sulli growled.

Baro and Sandeul guffawed while Jinyoung feigned hurt. “That hurt, Sulli. What happened to the cute girl calling me Jinyoung oppa?!”

Sulli smiled sweetly before she broke free from Baro. “She woke up.” She answered, sweetness dripping from her voice, masking her irritation.

“OUCH!” Baro said. “Hyung got burned!”

Jinyoung turned to glare at Baro while the latter only laughed at his hyung’s misery. Finally, Sandeul slung his arm over Sulli’s. He turned to Jinyoung who was trying to murder Baro with his glares. “Jinyoung hyung, c’mon. Let’s get this kitty to class.”

“Yah, I told you not to call me kitty!” Sulli yelled as they walked.

Sandeul only nodded and patted her head, as if patronizing her. “Arasso, arasso.”

“By the way, where’s Dongwoo oppa?” She asked. Dongwoo, or fondly called CNU, seldom misses class. Well, Sulli could safely say that CNU was the one who’s the most level-headed among the five friends.

“Why are you even looking for CNU hyung when I’m here?!” Jinyoung asked, faking hurt as he pressed his palm on top of his chest for effect.

Sulli didn’t pay him any attention as she alternately looked at Baro and Sandeul for answers. Finally, Baro answered. “CNU hyung has a family emergency. I don’t think he’ll come to school today,” he said, albeit a bit stiffly.

She let it go and brushed it off as Baro worrying for CNU. She shrugged. “Okay, kitty, here’s your stop. Bye!” Sandeul pushed her inside her classroom as the three men ran away.

She only shook her head before taking her seat next to Gongchan. “Hey, Chanshik.” She greeted to piss him off.

Gongchan only glared at her. “Whatever Choi Jinri.” He answered and continued playing with his phone.

Sulli glanced at her backpack and remembered about the love letter for Byun Baekhyun. Suddenly, her heart thudded wildly. She momentarily forgot about her nervousness because of Jinyoung, Sandeul, and Baro, but now that she’s left alone with her thoughts, she can’t help but to feel weird. She sighed. Somehow, she knows that she will never stand a chance with Baekhyun. After all, it’s not like she’s the first one who will confess to him.

“What’s with the look, kitten?” Gongchan asked, taking off his headphones. “You look like you’re constipated.”

She glared at him. “Don’t talk to me, Chanshik.”

“Whoa, you’re turning into a harmful kitten!” Gongchan stated. After a while, he carefully nudged her. “C’mon, is there a problem, Ssul?” He asked, his voice visibly gentler.

Sulli was just about to answer when her friend, Jung Soojung, entered the classroom and sashayed towards their table. She sat on top of Sulli’s table. “You’re three minutes to lateness, Jung.” Sulli scolded.

However, Soojung only shrugged her shoulders. “Whatever. What’s with you? Did you carry the world?” Soojung gave her a once-over before clacking her tongue and shaking her head. “Jeez, Choi, did you marry Prometheus over the weekend?”

“Can you stop your smartass comments, Jung?” She replied. All the talks were only making her more nervous.

Soojung put her hands up, as if saying she’s done. “Okay, fine. Is this about Baekhyun?”

Hearing his name, she quickly blushed while Gongchan made barfing sounds next to her, making Soojung laugh. “How… how did you know?”

“Oh, I passed by their classroom and saw that Baekhyun’s not there. C’mon, Sulli, it’s not like Baekhyun won’t come to class tomorrow.” She nonchalantly replied while checking her cuticles.

Sulli’s eyes widened. Omo… Baekhyun’s absent? Isn’t this a sign that I should retract my decision before it’s too late? She quickly shook her head at her thoughts. No! Stop being a chicken, Sulli.

“Ms. Jung, please get off that table and sit on your chair.” Their first period teacher, Ms. Park, said as she entered the classroom. Rather than apologizing, Soojung only smiled cutely at their teacher and clapped Gongchan’s hand before she went to her seat.

Ms. Park only shook her head and smiled a bit herself before proceeding to teaching English, the subject where Sulli finds herself lacking. She was trying hard to listen when she slipped a look at Gongchan. At first, it will look like he was really listening to the lesson because he was even nodding his head, but that was when she noticed an earphone on one of his ears. “You sly man,” she hissed under her breath, just enough for Gongchan to hear.

Gongchan only smirked at her, and the two didn’t even notice Ms. Park walking towards them. Both of them were surprised when she plucked the earphone on one of Gongchan’s ears. Their beautiful teacher smiled sweetly at Gongchan before speaking, “Detention later, Mr. Gong.” She said before walking back to the front and continuing with the lesson.

Sulli was holding her laughter while Gongchan was muttering profanities under his breath.


A/N: So before anything else I'm gonna warn you guys beforehand, this might be all fluffy. XDD I thought of this plot and wrote this because it was a light read and the other fic I was writing was a bit serious and on the drama side. ;D

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