A Bloody Smile (Jeff The Killer)

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[Jeff's point of view]I'm outside of this house .There's this girl I've been watching for awhile .I wonder if and what I'm going to do . My mind so mixed up right now it's unbelievable usually I just get rid of her for the person but this is different . I could see her tossing and turning I'm wondering what she's dreaming about . While I'm there hurry up and get back Slenderman is not gonna like me being out the human girl . Mortals are considered our prey not someone that can be loved . I hurry up and dart home .

(Emily's  P.O.V)

I such a bad dream last night I don't know why I was being chased by a boy in a hoodie . He seemed so familiar like I've seen him somewhere I don't know why but he just seemed so familiar . Maybe he's just a boy from school and I just put him in as if something bad in my dream . But than again I got on my computer in starting to typing something . Creepypasta the boy in hoodie with a large cut smile . Then it popped up Jeff The killer that's who he was . But I've have seen him in real life is he real it's impossible he's just fictional character . No no no no no he's really real he's going to find me it's impossible it's gonna happen he's really real .

Wait what am I thinking it could be somebody dressed up like him it's not real no one could be like that . I just gotta calm down he's not really real I'm just overreacting . it'll be OK sighs everything's OK . this is the worst thing I'm not a person to like scary stuff .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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