Chapter 6

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Angel's POV

At the Airport

I turned off my phone and carry my bag.

I'm ready to go. I'm ready.

Those are the words i keep on believing. *sighed* 


In the plane

I sit down and try to sleep but everytime I close my eyes, i remember everything that happened. I remember the look on Luke's face while i'm telling him my lies. My lies that i don't love him anymore. I remember how peaceful but sad his face while he was sleeping. I remember everything.

It will took me 19 hours and 30 minutes to see my parents again. US is really far from Australia. It's tiring but i went to US just to break up with Luke. I need to. And i want to.

Finally, sleepiness came over me.

I don't know how long i was sleeping. I just woke up because of the little girl sitting behind me screamed.I look at the lil kid. And everyone else look at the little kid. She's crying. Maybe nightmares. Her mother don't know what to do. She's getting too much attention and i don't think she likes that. I stand and went to the little kid and talk to her.

"Hey there lil princess, why are you crying? Is there something wrong?" The girl didn't answered but she cried louder.

"Hey stop crying. Look, if you stop crying and tell me what's wrong i'll buy some candies. You like that?" The girl is starting to stop crying.

"Oh so you like candies, huh? ok later we'll buy but for now tell me what's wrong." 

"D-don't leave me" "Oh, ok i won't leave you. Don't worry i'll be here at your side" The girl nod and hug me. I hug her back and kiss her forehead.

"Go back to your sit and play ok? i won't leave yo promise" *smiles*

the kid went back to her place and i also went back to my place. I look at the time and found out that we're landing in an hour. 

I lay my head on the window and close my eyes. I wish that i can have a daughter like her.

The airplane landed and you look for the little girl but u didn't find her. You also ask the other passenger but they don't what i was talking about. Woah! does it really happened? I stopped looking for the girl because I got tired so i went home.


At the house

I stand ouside my house and look around. I open the door but no one's in there. I went upstair and lay on my bed. I feel so weak. I can hardly breath. I think i'm dying soon. I think this is the time. I close my eyes and everything went on a FLASHBACK.


It's your 1st Anniversary! You were so happy. You hugged the gift you bought for your boyfriend David. You're going to surprise him. 

You jumped happily and tell your mom that you're going to surprise David.

"MOOOOOM! I'm going to David's House ok?" 

"OK! But bring an umbrella. the weather news say that there's a big chance of raining today so bring one ok?" Your mom yelled back

ugh! The sun is happy today why would i bring umbrella? "Fine!" You answered but didn't bring one.

You went out quickly and walk briskly. You are not looking because u're texting so u bumped into someone.

"Oh SHIT! I'm so sor-" You didn't finish what you were saying because you can't believe that u bumped into LUKE HEMMINGS! THE LEAD SINGER OF THE NEWEST FAMOUS BAND! WAIT, IS HE OUR NEIGHBOR??!

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there." Luke said

"A-ah it's ok.. it's my fault f-for texting while walking. I'm sorry" 

"Sorry" *Luke smiled and you can see HIS FREAKING DIMPLES!*

He really is hot

"Erm, i need to go. Nice to meet you btw" luke said and i get back to reality. 

I was just checking him out! WHAT A GREAT THING TO DO! 

"Uh yeah. I'm sorry again. Nice to meet you too. i'm going too. hehe" After saying that you walk away

"Did i just stare at Luke Hemmings?! That's a great thing Angel! Really great!" Everyone was looking at you and then you realized that you just tell that loud enough for everyone out there to hear.

Your face heat up so you walked faster than the normal. Gaah! You're such an idiot! You said to your self while you facepalm.

Stop thinking about it! Just walk and ready to surprise David!

Finally what felt like ages of walking, you are now infront of your boyfriend's house. You noticed that the door isn't close and that you can hear the sound of the TV. You walk slowly and opened the door slowly. You look for David and saw him...

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