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"i can't belive it's come to this phoebe," he sighed, sitting on the edge of the leather chair so he could reach out to hold her cold, bony hand, "never in a million years would i have thought that you'd be laid here at all, let alone because of me. i should've never called you phoebe. you'd be safe. i've caused you so much pain, so much commotion, yet you still put up with me. i'm so lucky to have you, but i can't say the same for you. i don't deserve somebody as perfect as you. sometimes i sit and wonder why you stuck with me, y'know? why you ever went for a nerd like me in the first place. calum bets that you only went out on a date with me because of a dare, but i know you'd never do that to someone. that's what i love about you babe, along with everyone else. i love you so much, just please, wake up."


tears streaked his face, knowing that she'd never hear those words he had spoken to her, but she did, and she was desperately trying to awake her body so she could see him again.

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