but why?

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⭐11:42 pm, Tom's house

Darkness. That's all that Tom could really see. He sat, sunken into his soft baby blue sheets, his blanket strayed far across the from from his restless state. The lights stayed off and the moon barely shone into the room, the bright orb being blocked by the thick curtains that hung over his window.

He stared blankly at the darkened white ceiling, shadows casting gently across his room. White earbuds stayed stuffed securely in his ears, softly pulsing music into them. He had stayed in his room all day and kept his curtains closed. He hadn't eaten much except for a granola bar from the stash of food he kept in his nightstand. His mind was filled with uneasy questions and thoughts. They screamed at him, making it impossible to ignore them. All they were about were Tord. "Tord this!" "Tord that!" He just wanted the train to end.

To be honest, he felt stuck. He had hoped that if he shut the intriguing boy out, he would completely forget him. But it just raised the questions he now suffered from. He squeezed his eyes shut tightly as a familiar song played. It soothed his mind a bit, though it still did not rid them, it did distract him. Absentmindedly, he sang in a quiet him, along with the song.

Often, I am upset,
That I can not fall in love,
But I guess,
This avoids the stress of falling out of it.

Are you, tired of me yet?
I'm a little sick right now but I swear,
When I'm ready I will fly us out of here...

"STOP SINGING!" Tom heard his father scream from downstairs. It wasn't long before he heard loud thumps coming from his floor. Most likely his father bashing his fists into the ceiling of their living room, also the floor of his room. He sucked his teeth, being as quiet as he could to not anger the drunken beast downstairs. He called down, "Ok!" Though he wished he hadn't agreed. He loved singing. It was his only outlet for all his bottled up feelings, except for playing his bass, Susan.

He sighed, tugging his earbuds out gently and turning the music off from his phone. Maybe a little walk would help calm him. He stood up with a groan, head whirling as he stood too quickly. As he regained balance, he grabbed the blue hoodie he wore every day from his dresser, pulling it on with ease over his loose gray T-shirt. He rubbed his black sweatpants slightly, pondering on the thought of changing into jeans instead, but he quickly pushed it away and walked to the door.

He opened it, wincing inwardly as he heard a long, ear splitting creak. Tom held his breath as the creaking continued, finally exhaling as it ended. He hurriedly shoved his feet into his checkered vans and rushed down the stairs which led immediately to the front door. "Tom! Where are ya going?" a drunken slur sounded from the living room. Tom hesitated. He debated, tell or just not go on a walk? He chose to tell, maybe his dad wouldn't mind too much. "Out for a walk. The fresh air will help me clear my head," he shouted back. Andrew simply replied with a grunt, leaving Tom to push his way past the door and into the crisp fall air.

He let in a sharp breath, melting in the cold wind's embrace. It soothed him, almost ridding the thought of the caramel-haired boy from his thoughts. He closed the door quietly and hopped down the stairs. He drank in the cold air, breathing out a puff of steam. He was generally surprised, seeing his breath waft up into the sky. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and continued steadily down the street, hesitating as he passed the strange boy's pastel pink house.

He mumbled a curse under his breath as the train of questions returned, causing him to speed up till he stood in front of the next house, a classy brown house with smoke drifting silently out of the brick chimney. Tom slowed his speed walk, staring at the house. The cool October breeze seemed to cause the house to creak, as it did so.

Tom felt unease prick at him. It sat in the back of his head, but pushed its way forward every second like a pounding headache. On and off. In and out. It was impossible to forget it as he continued down the street, even after passing the several houses on the street after it.

Darkness covered the sky with the stars pushing past it, like bright fairy lights in a pitch black room. He feet seemed to become heavy as he turned the corner to finish his walk. He was three houses down from his home, but his steps became sluggish and almost drunkenly tired. His eyelids became to droop and his sight unfocused. He regretted going for a walk. He regretted meeting Tord. He regretting even living. He didn't know what the feeling was. Maybe it was the feeling of guilt? But what had he done? Nothing.

He mind wandered as he became heavier and heavier, finally as he reached his house, accepted defeat. He let his body collapse on the hard gray concrete and his eyes shut. He was so tired. He was so regretful. He was so guilty.

But why?

Ew short chapter but its an update. Hope you liked? Lol idk I'm really making this up as I go now.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2018 ⏰

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