[EunMinHae Fanfic] Smile [one-shot]

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Fiction Information:

Title: "Smile"

Author: spicedSnow

Date Published: August 16, 2009

Characters: SungMin, EunHyuk, DongHae (respective POV) (Super Juniors)

Genre: Drama, Romance, A bit of Fluff (Shounen-ai)

Warnings: The change of whose POV is not written.

~~~~ => means change of POV

Italics means respective thoughts


Remember the POV sequence: Sungmin>>Eunhyuk>>Donghae


Off to the story



Everytime there was a camera around, you always sought out for his hand. You let him hug you, hold you, and even kiss you. But people didn't know, behind the camera, you come to me instead...

"Hyung!!!" there was your voice again. Your cute voice that won't leave me even in my dreams.

"What is it Hyukkie?" I didn't bother to look up from my pink laptop when you entered my room. From my peripheral view, I saw you sit on my perfectly made bed.

"Hyung! I did a vanity check on the internet! I typed 'Eunhyuk'! I clicked several sites and it redirected me into a 'EunHae' Fandom!" you made huge hand gestures as your pout deepened. How cute.

"People seeing your and Donghae as a pair is not surprising," I closed my laptop, afraid of you finding out that it was your picture on my wallpaper.

"Buuuuut Hyuuung! Hae is one of my closest friends!!!"

"And I am one of your friends too. But when you look for 'Sungmin', you'll see 'KyuMin', 'SungWook' or 'YeMin'," I faced you in my pink pajamas. Your face contorted, and a frown formed.

"But I want to be paired with Minnie hyung too..."

"Huh?" I think my ears failed me. Must be my imagination playing with me again, "I beg you pardon?"

"N-n-nothing!" you quickly stood and in a second, you were out of my door, "see you later!"

I was so confused at that time. But I can't help but believe in that tiny bud of hope that you'll feel the same as I feel for you...

"And the winner for the dance battle is Eunhyuk! Congratulations!" I saw you hug him. I felt sick. My chest tightened but I forced a smile when you approached me.

"Congratulations Hyukkie!" I hugged you, along with the other members.

"Thank you Minnie hyung!" you once again hugged me and game me your famous gummy smile. How can I resist falling for you if you keep on giving me such delight of seeing you smile?

"Oi Monkey! I'll treat you to movies since you won," he walked up on us hugging and stole you away from me. I felt cold without your warmth against mine.

Why can't you see me more than him?

I saw you crying when the others left for China. I comforted and held you close while he was not around.

I wonder... Can I make you smile?

When the others came back, you cried and smiled so beautifully. Is it only him that can make you smile like that?

[EunMinHae Fanfic] Smile [one-shot]Where stories live. Discover now