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"come on jimin," jin says as i continue crying

"but what if she doesn't forgive m-me?"

"she will, jimin, she will. "

"no she won't! I-i killed her sister and mother! A-and i didn't only kill her family but also jungkook's brother! "

I shout and clutch jae's pillow..


'oh jimin.. '

  I sighed and left him to calm his self down.

I sat on jae's couch and sighed.. We may have not been acting like friends but I'm starting to miss her.

I sighed and just walked around the house of jae


I walked to the hall ways till i reached the office of my dad

"dad? May i enter? " i asked

I hear him talking to some one but he answered with a yes

I entered and the guy bow

"princess, nice to meet you, I'm alpha chase from white rose pack. "

He turns to my father

" i will return. "

Then he left

"come here jae, what is it? " he asked

"what are you guys talking about?"

"oh, just being friends since we are tired of fighting."

I smiled,

"dad, can i..can i ask how are my friends? "

He looks shocked but smiles

"jae, i want to say sorry for what i have done, i noticed how you look so sad so i decided to let you live on your own again if that's OK to you.. "

I got excited, i like the vampires around they are kind and stuffs but i just want to be normal, i don't like being a princess,

He laughed when i hugged him with a wide smile

"OK, you will go tomorrow since tomorrow is your birthday, your turning eighteen.."

I smiled

"but about your friends.. My men tortured them but i let them go..but i have one update on one. "

I go closer

"his name is kim namjoon, the prince, prince namjoon is going to turn into a king after a month."

I smiled wider..

Oh namjoon, you'll be a great leader.

"jae, why don't go with Anna and Jace? They are calling for you. "

I nodded happily and went to find my dear friends

'oh how I'll miss them when i leave but I'll come back to give a visit. '

I stopped when i saw Jace training. He is my guard and Anna is his love

"Jace! Hi! " i hugged him

"wow,someone looks happy today. And be careful when you hug me, the gorilla might hurt you remember how?"

I laughed

"yes, i was just hugging you for helping me but then Anna got so mad that she started shouting thing like:

His mine!

You may be pretty but he. Is. Mine!

Stay away! "

I started laughing so hard and Anna sighed while blushing being emberassed

"jae, stop laughing! It's not funny, "
She playfully punched my shoulder making her giggle

"OK girls! Let's go!" he shouts then drops his sword

'I'll really miss them'

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